Move-in Day

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Chapter One

I stand rooted to the ground, completely frozen. All I can think is "I don't want to be here, anywhere but here, God please anywhere." My thoughts though, however fierce cannot change the facts, and the facts were the reason I had lost total control of my body.  Besides the terrible fear and dread I am feeling, I also feel an overpowering anger. My mother and I were usually in tune with each others feelings, she probably knows me better than anyone in the world, so what I can't understand  is why would leave her only child with an old woman who she has only met once in all her seventeen years of life. I am aware of the stupid voice in my head laughing at me, saying 'you idiot, you're scared of a seventy-two year old woman'.  The rational part of me knows that I'm being difficult, but the selfish and spoiled part is winning the battle in my mind. My mom loves Rose like a mother, but she has always scared me, mainly because the one time I met her she yelled at me several times. A rough voice yanks me into motion, "Evelyn Rose, get in here immediately and say hi to Aunt Rose". I bite my lip to keep myself from retorting that she is, in fact, not related to me in any way, because I know mom is already beyond frustrated with me, well ditto mom, ditto. While I always console myself with our lack of familial connection, my relief concerning the matter is not something my mom shares. Two annoyed faces appear at the front door, and I cringe when I take in their appearance, demeanor-wise my mom looks like a younger version of Rose, with her hands on her hips and her lips pressed into a tight line. I jump into motion, I climb the steps of the beautiful old house quickly, and then stop at the door knowing as soon as I step inside I am under Rose's authority for the rest of the summer. I cautiously step inside and take a deep breath in, the house smells like a mix of rosemary and cool mints, how appropriate. I walk slowly behind them as they move toward the front room, I try in vain to tune out their voices floating my way like leaves in a breeze. "Honey, Rose was just telling me about all the stuff she has planned for this summer, you're going to have so much fun!" While personally I seriously doubt the legitimacy of her statement, I attempt a smile for her benefit, but I know it turns out looking more like a grimace. Because I still remember thinking that Rose was some kind of evil witch who had my mom under a spell when I was younger, I half expect to see a broom somewhere in the room. To my dismay, there isn't one anywhere. Despite my unfriendly feelings toward her, when Rose looks at me I still feel somewhat self-conscious in dirty jeans, paint splattered t-shirt, and a classic messy bun. I can't help but feel totally shabby in my clothes. Sheesh, it took one look for her to make me feel so unsure and unwelcome, I am not sure how I'm going to survive a summer with this woman. Rose opens her mouth to my dismay, "Evelyn, please come greet me like any young lady with decent manners would, and give me a hug. I don't understand why you are standing there looking like an idiot." I glance over at mom with a 'you're kidding me' look and she just shakes her head.  I walk over and give Rose a very uncomfortable hug while shooting a glare in my mothers direction. Rose's hug is unlike any hug I have ever experienced, my mom's hugs always make me feel loved, and my dad's used to make me feel special, the only word I think of when I hug Rose is stiff. Now that I have placated Rose with the hug, I retreat and sit down so I can survey the room. I am in a plush black chair across from a matching couch that mom and Rose move over to, a  black L-shaped sofa. I raise my eyes to take in the wall behind them; it is covered in photos of the Effiel Tower, the Louvre, and other famous sites in France. To my right, a beautiful grand piano rests in one corner, and a statue of someone or something is in the other corner. I see the set of double doors where I entered, next to them is a large painting of a tree. I can tell without looking that the wall behind me is more window than wall because of the warmth I feel on my back. I finally gaze at the floor which is a dark mahogany colored wooden floor, half-covered by a cool grey carpet on which the couch and chair have been placed, I assume to keep them from scratching the wood flooring. All the walls are painted a darker grey than the carpet. Overall the room gives off a cold yet oddly inviting feeling and I can tell that it is going to be my favorite room in the house. After I have surveyed the whole room, my eyes are drawn back to the painting of the tree. The painting stands out because unlike the rest of the room the tree is splattered with an almost violent myriad of warm yellows, I say it looks violent because the shades seem to be fighting each other for a place on the tree. The back drop is red and intense which makes the tree stand out even more. I feel drawn to the painting, its absolutely stunning. The longer I look at it the more it changes until suddenly I see the a woman and a man inches apart from each other. They both look completely lost and are staring down towards the ground where I can see the roots of the tree, each root leading to a body at its end. I involuntarily let out a small gasp and close my eyes tightly. "Evelyn, I have to go so let's get you unpacked and say our goodbyes" although moms voice is soft, it startles me, and I jump a little as I open my eyes and set them in her direction, avoiding looking at the painting. It only takes me a moment to get my thoughts together and form a coherent reply "yeah, of course, that sounds like a plan, let's go."  As we all get up and walk towards the door, and I can't stop myself from glancing at the painting one more time; thankfully, it's exactly the way it looked originally, and I write off what I saw as a trick of the eye.

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