Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV

The next day was eventful. The drool that came out the guys mouths was enough to fill an entire swimming pool. I'm frustrated but also content. This feels like home but everyone around here is annoying as shit.

I sigh and step out of the kitchen and enter the 'pro room' as Ben likes to call it. "Hey Ben, what's up?" I drop into the ground next to Ben. "oh hey y/n" he says. Ben had seemed to warm up to me and I've warmed up to him I suppose. I told him my real name.. He isn't so tense when I'm around, yeah.. He's calmed down a lot.. "Wanna play?" Ben asks holding out a controller. "Uhhh.. Sure-" I hear my name getting called by nova, I turn around and yell "IM BUSY!" . I turned around back to Ben "Yeah sure." I say smiling, He blushes slightly.

Ben's POV

Y/n smiled at me! she smiled at me ! "W-what do you want to p-play?" I stutter. "Hmmm.. You choose" she says smiling, I couldn't help but think she was the most beautiful being ever.. "Oh.. Uhh.. H-halo ? "I ask, she nods. "Sure." She says smiling.

Me and y/n played video games for hours, until Jeff came in and ruined it. "Hey Insane heart !" Jeff yells, I glare at him. "Dude. She doesn't want to sign autographs or look at your knife collection" I tell him, he huffs. "Oh wow, look at me not caring" Jeff smirks and looks back at y/n. "So, wanna watch f/s (favourite show) with me?" Jeff asks. "HELL TO THE YES!" Y/n screams in joy, I blush at how cute she is. Too bad she'll never like me...

Y/n's POV

Jeff and I (I WAS GONNA USE 'ME AND JEFF', BAD AUTHOR~CHAN ! You do not English well ! T_T) headed towards a different room, to watch F/s, I haven't seen it in ages ! I notice Jeff continuously looking over at me. "What ? Is there a huge dildo on my head? Did you want it ?" I ask him sarcastically, Jeff raises the skin where his eyes brow should be. (Wait, did that make sense ? Can I just say eyebrow...? Nah, readers will rage and have a goddamn fhaking hissy fit.... T_T Just read guys... Just read..)

After a while of walking, we enter a room. It was really boring, Four walls, all connected by... A CORNER !! There was a door and a T.v as well..

I guess you could say it was just like Jeff's head, Empty. I sigh. I plant myself onto the ground and stare at the T.v. Jeff presses play and the show starts up. "You know.. It's weird.. You know a lot about me." I look over at Jeff. "It's like you googled me or something" I chuckle.


Jeff giggles as he munches on Y/n's favourite food happily. He was researching a certain someone. But who could that POSSIBLY be? "Oooo ! Insane heart.. Likes F/s..." Jeff taps his chin " I NEED TO ILLEGALLY DOWNLOAD THIS RIGHT NOW !" He announces loudly.


Jeff sweat drops, laughing nervously. "Now why would I ever do that ?" Y/n shrugs. "I don't know.. Just a thought I guess..."

After a while of watching the show, Jeff wraps an arm around Y/n's shoulder. She instantly punches him in the face, giving him the finger. Jeff lies in the ground in pain while Y/n casually continues watching the t.v as if nothing had happened.

The power suddenly cuts off, y/n groans as the episode she was watching, was getting good. After ten minutes, the power wasn't back on, and Y/n couldn't sense Jeff around anywhere. Something snakes around her waist, Y/n tries to detach it, but fails. "what the fuck ?!" She yells in frustration. Before....



Me: nah Breh. I'm not finishing the chapter because I haven't-


Me: there will be excuses because I choose to have an excuse so shove it up your ass.

???: THIS. IS. UNACCEPTABLE !!! *high pitch yelling*

*running around in circles hitting its head with its keyboard* OW OW OW OW OW OW OW !

Me: O.o *backs away slightly*

???: *comes charging at me*



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