V - selfie

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makschmer : peta are u ok?

makschmer : you haven't messaged me in days

peeetaaam : o i'm sorry

makschmer : what's wrong?

peeetaaam : it's not a big deal lol

makschmer : plz tell me

peeetaaam : fine

makschmer : thank u

peeetaaam : my bf dumped me on Monday @ school in front of everyone

makschmer : oh that's rough

peeetaaam : mhm

makschmer : what was his name?

peeetaaam : james

makschmer : awh

makschmer : are u feeling better?

peeetaaam : not really

makschmer : i'm sorry

peeetaaam : lol it's ok

makschmer : why did he dump u?

peeetaaam : i wasn't pretty enough

makschmer : send me a selfie

peeetaaam : ok

peeetaaam :

makschmer :

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makschmer : ...

peeetaaam : so i guess u understand why he did now :(

makschmer : lol no he's stupid

makschmer : cause you're obviously gorgeous

makschmer : like you should have a pic of you as your picture not a sunset

peeetaaam : nah i'm good lol

makschmer : but really you're beautiful

peeetaaam : aw thank you

makschmer : you have really kissable looking lips

peeetaaam : um thanks?

makschmer : no prob

peeetaaam : ok so my mum wants me downstairs cuz family is over i'll talk to you later?

makschmer : ok :) see ya

peeetaaam : byeee


emnem : i knowww i really want a bf too britt

brittbritt : omg wait

emnem : what

brittbritt : u live in england right?

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