Adopted By Andy Biersack

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My skin starts to itch as I scratched it. I was currently in my pathetic excuse of a room at the orhpanage. I looked to the direction of the bathroom and bit my lip. My razor are in there, in my make-up bag. It's was so tempting. But I've gone two months without cutting, I don't want to start when I've been trying so hard to stop.

But it was too much for me not to give in. It was like telling a fat kid not to touch the cookie jar while you step outside. Hell you don't have to be fat for that! I'm skinny and I'd eat the whole all the cookies the second you turn your back. I'd might even stuff some in my pocket.

I walk to the bathroom that is connected to my room in the orhpanage and locked the door behind me. I go to my make-up bag and open the small front zipper and take out my razor.

I sit in the middle of the tub, take out my iPod and blast Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides. I then put the razor against my left wrist, push down, and cut.




The pain replaced the itching and I sighn and tilt my head back. It feels so good. I quickly shoot up when there was a bang on my door.

"Hey emo slut!" One of the other kids yelled through the door. "You got someone who want to adopt you, get up your ass and get ready. You're finally leaving whore."

It took a couple of seconds to sink in.

Someone wants to adopt me? Why?

I didn't really say anything in the vedio that the nice old lady made me do. I quickly washed my wrist and took gauze from the cup boared and wraped it around my cut, pinned it with a safty pin, and cleaned up and visable blood.

Then I went to my dresser and pulled on some black skinny jeans and F.I.R logo shirt and some black beat up converse. I went back to the bathroom and put on my make up.

While putting on my make up and wondering if these people take me how long would it be before they kick me out and back to the orhpanage cause imma "freak," and "emo."

By the time I was done my make up looked like Ashley Purdy from Black Veil Brides and my hair was teased. Someone knocked on the door saying the person who have come to adopt me are here. I quickly sprayed some hair spray and fixed my hair a bit and looked at myself.

Oh wait how rude of me let me introduce myself :

My name is Katy and I am 16 years old, I have jet black hair, cold blue eyes, kinda like Andy Biersack, I have nice deep curves and I'm skinny. I'm married to rock music, I swear to God if you put Matt Bomers and music I wouldn't hesitant to jump to the music. (Matt Boomers plays the main character in a show called White Collar and let me tell you he is HOTT!)

I grabbed my iPod and walked out of my room, just as my social worker Nicole came up. Once she saw me she smiled at me.

"Hey c'mon you got someone downstairs waiting to see you." I nodded, pluged my ear buds in and put on Savior by BVB. Nicole led the way downstairs to an office. "Good luck honey." She squeezed my shoulder and dissapered down the hall and around the cornor.

Taking a deep breath I opened the door with my head down and sit on the chair, across from who's here to take me away from this hell whole for a short period of time.

Why a short period of time you ask? Well let me explain:

They'll adopted me show me off like a trophy to there family members but once they see that I'm "emo" they'll send me back here like last weeks garbage and then tell people on Facebook and Twitter how I worshiped the devil, ect...

"I never meant to be the one

Who kept you from the dark"

Andy Biersack sang softly to my ears, making me relaxe my tensed body and making me want to close my eyes and sleep. His voice was like a lullaby.

Now you might get pissed of but I don't like him like him. I just think he's brotherly adorable. Great now I got to watch my back and lock all the windows and doors when I sleep at night.

Suddenly there was a loud bang that caused my head to shoot up and rip my ear buds off at the same time.

Who I saw was the last person I expected, who I saw was only I had seen when I was apart of screaming fans trying to get closer to him and four other guys. Who I saw made my eyes go wide.

Who I saw was Andy Biersack.

Holy shot, I thought.

I'm new to wattpad so I hope you guys like this and if there are any mistakes sorry I'm doing this on my phone so spellcheeck is being retarted. Plz




Katy ;)

Adopted By Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now