Chapter 8

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"What the hell is going on!" I yell.

I probly sound like a jelly girlfriend but I was really talking about was what I was doing I'm the same room as Jake Pitts and his girlfriend. If Jake was here then so was the rest of the band...which meant Andy was also here.


Please note sarcasm.

Funny considering I would usually be fan girling out, any 17 year old would, that's Black Veil Brides fans, but after what Andy did I hate them. Andy humiliated me. I felt rejected after what he did. Rejection isn't something I'm not used to, its just that that it hurts 10x more when your own savior rejects you.

"Uh...welcome home?" He said making it sound more like a question than a statement.

"Well," the blondy that was on Jacks lap awhile ago said, looking at her imaginary watch. "Look at the time." She laughed nervously. "Gotta go!" She picked up her black bag and her red coat that matched the same shade of her face. I would have felt the same if someone walked in on me while I was straddling there adoptive parent and having a make out session.

"Why did you adopt me?!?!" I asked furiously.

Maybe they got rid of Blake and kidnapped me. Holy shit!

"Wait, what?! No we didn't kidnap you! We adopted you!"

"Oh...did I say that out loud?"

"Yea...." Jake said looking at me weirdly.

I was gonna open my mouth to yell at him, but just then Ashley, C.C, Jinxx, and finally the Jackass Andy came into the living room.

Yup that's his new name now, it suiets him perfectly. Jackass Andy.

"What's goin on?" Jinxx asked confused.

"Apparently we are now kidnappers." Jake said with no emotion in his voice, and bored face, I would have laughed in different circumstances. But who did start laughing was Ashley, but quickly shut up when the next sentences came out of my mouth.

"Take me back." I demanded with my arms crossed.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Take me back to the orphanage." I repeated through cleanched teeth.

"How about you quite being a brat and show us some respect."

I look over to Andy and gave him a dirty look.

"Make me," I spat at him.

I wished I never said anything the second I saw Andys blue stormy eyes darken about a shade or two.

Suddenly Andy came storming my way and roughly grabbed my upper arm and dragged me toward the staircases, his barly there nails suprisingly digging painfully into my arm.

"Hey! What the hell!" I exclaim.

"Andy!" I heared Ashley yell.

Andy dragged me up the stair, I almost tripped multipul times, I would have if it wasn't for his tight sucure grip on me. He went down the same hall I came from a while ago. He opened a door and I noticed it was the same room I was in less then ten minutes ago. Andy roughly pushed me inside, I almost tripped over my own feet, but luckly I caught myself. I turned around and glared at him.

I saw regret flash in his eyes for a second before it was replaced by hatered.

I felt tears spring into my eyes, but quickly blinked them back, not allowing him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

I rarely ever cry and when I do, I'm always alone. I never did anything to him and he is being a total dick to me. Without another word Andy walked out, making sure to slam the door behind him.

The second the door slammed shut, I walked over to my bag, got out my blade and went to the bathroom connected to my room, and sat down in the tub. I brought the deadly weapon to my wrist, my bottom lip slightly trembling.

The tears feel before the blood even surfaced.

Adopted By Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now