Chapter 1:

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A/N: Just a few things that you should know:

(y/n) = your name

(b/f/n) = your boyfriend's name

(f/n) = your friend's name (not Mark or Jack)

(m/n) = movie name

(y/t/n) = your YouTube name

Please enjoy!!

You wake up early one morning to the sound of your phone chiming. Looking at you alarm clock, you see that it is 7:30. Who's texting me at this time of day?  you thought as you grabbed your phone off of your nightstand. Looking to see who it is, you can't help but grin when you see that it's your boyfriend (b/f/n) who texted you.

(b/f/n): Hey babe, I hope I didn't wake you, but my boss just called me in for work so I won't be able to text you for awhile. But I was wondering if you wanted to go see that new movie (m/n) that just came out in theaters tonight?

Happily grinning in excitement at the idea of hanging out with your boyfriend, you quickly reply.

You: That sounds great babe! Do you want to pick me up after work?

Instantly after you sent the text, your phone chimed with a reply from (b/f/n).

(b/f/n): I'm srry but I can't, Boss is making me work late. How about I meet you at the theater at about 8?

You: Okay! Have a great day at work! See you later!

(b/f/n): Okay, see ya!

Still smiling, you decided to get up out of bed and get dressed and ready for the day.

Time Skip Brought to you by the Amazing Warfstache!!

While you were sitting on your couch, binge watching the first season of Supernatural, your phone chimes off again. Looking at our screen, you see the name The Boss on your phone. Smiling, you read the text from your best friend Sean.

The Boss: Sup, (y/n)! What r u up to?

You: Rewatching the first season of Supernatural. U?

The Boss: Well, Mark n I were wondering if u want to make a vid with us!

You: Heck yeah! I'll be over in a few!

The Boss: Sweet, c u soon!

Checking the time on your phone, you see that it's only 9:15. Plenty of time for you to shoot a video with the guys, and be done in time for your date tonight.

You were a Youtuber, (y/t/n). That's how you first met Mark. And through him, you met Sean. You've known the guys for about a year now, and the three of you were the best of friends. You also live in L.A., and Sean was in town for the week on vacation.

Excited, you lock up your apartment and drive to Mark's place.

Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy!

At Mark's place, you let yourself in without knocking. You've done this before many times, and it never bothered Mark. "Hello? Anybody home?" you call out, and soon enough, you hear the sound of footsteps race around the corner, and a blur of green was all you saw before you were engulfed into a tight hug by Sean. 

"It's so good to see you again, (y/n)!" Sean's accented voice filled your ears as you give your own tight hug back.

"It's great to see you too Sean!"

"Hey, where's my hug?" you hear Mark's whining voice, and you look over Sean's shoulder to see Mark giving you a sad puppy dog look, holding his arms out and making grabbing motions with his hands.

Giggling, you release your hold on Sean and jump into Mark's arms. He pulls you into a tighter hug then Sean gave, and lifted you a couple inches off the floor. "Come on Mark, I need to breath." I wheeze, patting Mark on the back.

"Oh right, sorry." he sets you back down on the ground with his smug grin, "You ready to play some horror games?" he asked, slinging an arm over your shoulder.

"Yes! What are we playing?" you ask, feeling completely pumped.

You loved playing horror games, even though you jump and scream at any and all jump scares.  

"Well, Mark and I thought it would be fun to do a challenge between the three of us with Five Nights at Freddy's, and see who can last the longest." Jack remarked, walking towards you two.

"Yes, I accept that challenge! Let's do this!" you throw your hands in the air and start running towards Mark's recording room, with your two best friends laughing in tow.

Knights With Colorful Hair: A Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye Fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now