Chapter 3:

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You are now waiting in the lobby of the movie theater, waiting for (b/f/n). You decided to wear (your choice of outfit cause I'm lazy) and got to the theater about 5 minutes before 8.

After awhile of scanning the lobby, you check your phone to see that it was 8:10 and you had no messages from your boyfriend. He must've gotten held up at work, but it's fine, the movie doesn't start till 8:45 anyways, you thought, scanning the crowd of people again.

This wasn't the first time that he was a little late meeting up due to work. The longest you've ever waited for him was 10 minutes because he said that his boss had him do a few extra things. You've seen him at his job site before (I'll let the reader decided where your boyfriend works at), and you had even met his boss.

Looking back at the time, you see that it was now 8:15. No biggie, you thought.

8:20 - no sign of him

8:30 - no sign of him

9 - the movie had started playing, but you were still standing out in the lobby, waiting for him.

You had decided to call his cell, but it went straight to voicemail. You tried calling his work, but again, no one answered. I think I'll just step outside and wait for him out there, if he's not here in 5 minutes I'll leave, and with that, you opened the door of the theater leading outside. 

With the door halfway open, you heard a girl whine, "But why do you have to go see the stupid excuse of a girlfriend (b/f/n)?"

At the sound of your boyfriends' name, you stop in your tracks, the door still halfway open. Looking to your right, you could barely make out two figures standing close together against the side if the building. Letting your eyes adjust, you were startled to see your boyfriend standing next to another girl, with HIS HANDS WRAPPED AROUND HER WAIST!!!

All you could do was stand there, dumbfounded, at the sight of (b/f/n) smiling at this other girl. "Because (o/g/n) [other girls name], she's just fun to have on the sidelines, and I have to keep her happy so she won't suspect anything between us. How else am I supposed to relieve my boredom when your gone?" (b/f/n) answers the girl, pulling her even closer to him.

They haven't seem to notice you yet. You didn't even feel as if you were there anymore. "But I spent all say with you today! Why do you need to go hang out with her?" (o/g/n) whines some more, then starts kissing his cheek.

"Like I said, I have to keep her happy so she can entertain me." and with that, you watch with horror as he leans forward and kisses the girl in his arms.

This isn't happening, you thought, feeling detached about what was happening right in front of you.

Slowly, you walk out of the theater, and in the opposite direction of the two, no destination in mind. You could feel your heart chipping away as you replayed what you had just discovered over and over again in your mind.

Suddenly, you found yourself at a park that is about 20 minutes away from your house. You don't know what time it is as you sit down on one of the swings. The park was deserted except for you, and as you sat there, feeling completely numb, you didn't even realize that you had your phone in your hand, holding it to your ear.

You don't even know who you decided to call until the sound of a familiar accented voice fills you ear, "Hello, (y/n)? Why are you calling? I thought you were going to go see that movie?"

"S.....sean...."you were able to say something through your dry throat, you voice cracking at the end.

"(y/n), what's happened, what's wrong? Why do you sound like that?" you could hear the worry and concern in your best friends voice, and the sound of it made the dam that you were holding up bursts, and tears start falling down your face and a sob rips from your throat.

"Sean....I-I-I need yo-o-o and M-mark, p-p-please. *sob* I n-need my -f-friends, please." you stammer out in between your sobs.

"Okay, we're on our way! Where are you?" you could hear him talking to Mark in the background.

"I-I'm at the park near m-m-my house. *sob*, Sean........he was cheating on m-m-m-me-" and with that, you start to sob even harder as the reality of what had happened started crashing down all around you.

Knights With Colorful Hair: A Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye Fanfic:Where stories live. Discover now