seconnd chapter

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I woke up. I got dressd.
"Miksa sascha krista annie time too stand up girlz" i said, tgey got up.


"Todai were goin to test ur 3dmg abilitis" shadis screammed.
"Gud luck i told eren.
"Good luck"

I waited. My turn is now.
Ofc i managed too stay balanced perfektly. Beter dthan miksa !!! Shadis praisd me
"Wow u wrre good Nozomi" erenbsaid and i blushd.
"Thx :)))) good luck"

Oh no ern fell oveer
Poor eren everieone is lauging at his. I fell bad forr his.

"Ur alrighht ren" i asked and he did nott respont so i go away to eat

Next day

Soeren had an oter schanche.
"Gud luck" i sayd again.
But he feel a gain :( oh nobporr eren
Eren sobbd
Then hebtraded bellts with wagna and dindt fail
"Omg i knrw u can do it :)))))"
"Thx Nozomi" he huged me imand i smild. We wont hav too seperrete after al.

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