Chapter Thirty Two: Forget Me Not

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This chapter is dedicated to bookish_bunni

Alright guys! Here's the last chapter of this series! Woo! I can't believe I actually finished this. Anyway, I have to spill or warn you before you read. You're going to hate me for this. But, probably you're going to nag all the way to my comments box for sure. I will ask your forgiveness in advance. I'm so sorry!

Please enjoy this last chapter and look forward to my next series. Ciao!



After 2 months.....Fairy Tail guild...

A body stirred on the white bed. Eyes were slowly opened as it adjusted to the sunlit room.

"You're awake!", a voice was heard as if it just stopped crying. "Hey everyone come here!"

"Oh! You're awake at last!"

"You don't know how worried we were about you!"

Hugs were shared and tears of joy were shed.

"Looks like you're awake", all heads turned to the owner of the voice. At the door stood a petite old man with a genuine smile on his face. "We're so glad to have you back, Lucy!"

"Ummm, what happened?", she managed to speak. She's still a little stiff to move her body as she tried her best to sit up. She was aided by Mirajane and Erza.

"We don't know either. It's a miracle to see you survived that incident", Mirajane started.

"We found you covered in blood with all those nasty bruises. Good thing Wendy and Cheria are there. Polyusica almost lived for a whole month within the guild to keep you in check. We thought you're going to die", Erza explained.

"Lucy...I'm so happy you're alright", Happy cried in her chest more.

She feels so happy to see them all, but her eyes are looking for someone in particular who is absolutely missing in the room. Normally, he's the first one she expects to see when she opened her eyes.

"Natsu....where's Natsu?", she asked.

All of them turned silent. Even Happy fidgeted when he heard his name.

"What....why is everyone so quiet?", Lucy felt so scared but she doesn't know why.

"Lucy....we haven't seen him since the battle with the Gallion Alliance", Laxus finally said.

"What?", Lucy can't believe what she heard. She clearly remembers Virgo aiding him from the rock that trapped his footing. She was sure Virgo was able to help him escape.

"Natsu...went missing ever since. We haven't found his body from the site and we don't even know if he's alive", Cana said.

" way...You can't be serious....", Lucy started to squirm out of the bed. Her whole body is aching but she doesn't care. All she cares about now is to get out and look for him.

"Lucy...stop it!", Erza and the other girls tried their best to stop her without making her feel hurt in the process.

"Natsu may still be out there. Who knows? Maybe he's just trying to recover", Lucy mumbled.

"Lucy...",Master Makarov said. All heads turned to him and everyone was silent. "It's been 2 months since that incident. We haven't seen Natsu anywhere. Right now, Gajeel and the others are out looking for him", Master Makarov said.

"Two...months?!", Lucy felt all her energy left her. She's been sleeping for 2 whole months now?

"We don't know if Natsu is alive or not, but we hope he is. However, I don't exactly know why he will not return to the guild", Gray said.

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