Chapter Six: The Willing Victim

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Hello, here's the next chapter. I'm not going to say much. Just enjoy this chapter, kindly comment and like, add to your library (you don't need to read it always, just include it and let it rot in there if you want) haha. Just kidding! Please tell me your thoughts as always! I dedicate this chapter to none other than, RuralMaiden. How have you been my dear? I missed you so!



“Promise me Romeo. If not, everyone will be in danger”, Lucy said.

“But I…wasn’t I supposed to be involve in this mission? Why can’t I fight with you? Is it because I’m weak? Is it because I’m just a kid? It’s not fair!”, Romeo insisted.

“Romeo…you promised the Master didn’t you? Also....”, Lucy kneeled in front of him and told him something.

Lucy felt some magic lingering around.

“Someone’s here”, she warned Romeo.

“Could it be them?”, Romeo was alert.


“So, any sign of them?”, Jura asked.

“None. We can’t sense anything in here”, Laxus replied.

“Does the Council had the wrong information?”, Erza asked.

“No, I think those Galion Alliance are smart enough to anticipate this”, Kagura said.

“Wait..”, Sting intercepted. “I can feel them”

“Sting, I can hear them not far from here”, Rogue said. He activated his signal to warn the others.

“Everyone, head towards where Sting’s team is!”, Jura announced. With Hibiki’s help, they found the coordinates in their wrist straps and headed to where they are.

Before they managed to get to where Sting and the others are, they were blocked by different wizards.

“Who are you?”, Laxus asked.

“You’re strong…we may need you”, one of them said and attacked.


Kagura and Bacchus’ teams were able to meet up with each other but they were stopped by wizards too.

“You think they’re the so called Galion Alliance?”, Bacchus asked.

“Looking at those numbers? I think so”, Kagura replied.

“Well things just got interesting”, Bacchus sipped a drink from his gourd.


“Well what do we have here?”, Jura smiled at the numbers of opponents he was seeing. They were able to reunite with Lyon and Ichiya’s team.

“I can definitely sense a sinister parfum”, Ichiya said.


“I thought they will be meeting up with us?”, Natsu asked while punching some wizards..

“Looks like trouble found their paths as well”, Gajeel said.

“Things are getting lively here too”, Sting said.

“Everyone has their own things to settle. Aside from our numbers, they’re surrounding us a hundred to one”, Hibiki informed.

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