Chapter Twenty Seven: Family

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Chapter dedicated to _Erza-ScarletT___

Hello everyone! I know you've waited so long for this update. I will definitely finish this story and I will create a new one after this. Even if it's hard, rest assured that I will do everything to keep this up. I will never give up!

As my comeback, please do enjoy this chapter and let me know your feedback.



"Kyaaaah!!!", the girls shouted out.

"AHHH!!!", all men shouted out.

"What the?!", all participants fighting underground were surprised when rubbles after rubble rained down on them.

"What is the meaning of this, Liz?", a man asked when it stopped.

"My deepest apologies, Masters, I'm merely disposing of the enemies", Liz bowed down to eight men in front of her.

"Are you guys alright?",, Jura asked. He was only able to protect Erza, Cana, and Mirajane from danger. Sting, Bacchus, Jellal and Laxus practically managed on their own. The others were buried but were protected with Jura's magic including wizards from Galion Alliance; however, they won't be able to come out unless Jura remove it himself. They would have to continue fighting if they so want to.

"That's good, we're bored fighting such wimps from official guilds", the other Master said.

"What....", Jellal and the others were surprised when they saw many bodies of their comrades from different guilds lying unconscious. Some were already dead.

"This many with just three of them", Mirajane gasped.

"We're Masters. Do not take us too lightly pathetic wizards!", the other one launched an attack on them.

"Liz, where's the sacrifice?", the first one asked.

"I transported her to Master Ender. I had to focus my magic to make it possible", Liz replied.

"Good, has the plan succeeded?", the second one asked.

"No, we were interrupted before it was accomplished", Liz bit her lip.

"As long as she was taken to Master Ender, we'll be fine", the third one said as he continued his attacks. Erza and the others can't even do anything to get near them.

"What about Helga?", the second looked around to check.

"Helga-sama......was defeated", Liz said.

"They managed to shut Helga up? This wizards can't be taken too lightly after all", the first one laughed.

Suddenly, knives and spears rained towards the Masters and Liz together with rubbles.

"Looks like we're aiming for the second floor, but we ended up falling underground", Arthur showed himself together with Sarina and the others.

"Jurener-dono!", Jura recognized.

"Let us join your fun", he replied.

"A noble?", Liz comprehended.

"Wizards", Arthur glared as he corrected her and at his signal, Tidus and Sarina aimed to them again.

"Hey onee-san", Bacchus set Cana to the ground. "Can you fight that woman who made us fall?", Bacchus asked.

"I can try", Cana readied her cards.

"I'll cover for you as long as I am able to, you still have to be on your guard", Bacchus smirked at her.

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