Chapter 5

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I idly sat by a window sill (probably my most favourite place in the church), listening to people breathe and snore in peace. It was almost like I was keeping watch for danger. I stared into the dark night with a full moon.

"May I sit here?"

That scared the shit out of me. I look back and find Guy staring at me with puppy eyes.

"You scared me! And yeah sure."

He quietly came and sat in front of me and looked out for a while before reaching out to his pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He casually lit a cig and took a breath in relief.

"Um Guy, we're in a church. I don't think you're supposed to smoke." I say.

"I didn't seem to notice my surroundings and Jesus and I pact, He lets me smoke," he replies with a smile. "Although if it bothers you, I can put it out."

"I don't have a weak nose." I say.

"You smoke?" He asked me.

"Um.... Not actually. Jamie is gonna be at my throat if I smoked again."

He offered me a cigarette and I couldn't help myself so I took it. Guy lit it for me. I thought for a moment before putting the cig on my lips and breathing it in. Although I was sucking in a thousand diseases, it felt so good!

"Feels good, doesn't it? You forget about all your problems and troubles for that moment." Guy says, with a chuckle.

"Yes. Yes it does." I reply with a smile.

"Let me get straight to the point. I'm very sorry for being a jerk to you earlier, in the flight." He says apologetically.

"It's totally fine. I shouldn't have pushed you and tried to interfere in your life."

"Thanks for understanding me. It's really nice to have company while smoking. Jonny used to join me until Violet was born."

Well, maybe he wasn't as bitchy as I thought he was.

"But what about your daughter? You didn't try to quit for her?"

"She doesn't even live with me anymore. I got divorced to her mother almost a year ago."

And I didn't know what to say. Probably that was why Phil is afraid to date Jamie.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. You didn't know about it. Although I'm over it now," he says with a bright smile that could light up the church.
We spoke about a billion other stuff and had a great time until Guy started yawning and we decided to sleep. Maybe I was, after all, falling for Guy.


I woke up with Jamie's face literally in mine. She was poking me really hard.

"Wake up already, Ms. Scott." She said while giggling in her deep and low welsh accent

I grunted a bit, and then sat down. I look around. Everyone was already up and getting ready to record. Guy was sitting close-by with his bass guitar.

"Good morning!" He said with a smile. My morning could definitely not get any better
Jamie threw a bun of something to my face. Thankfully I could catch it. Jamie giggled sheepishly.

"Everyone has eaten but you. I also brought to hot chocolate. It's right next to you."

"Thanks," I smiled sassily at Jamie. Jamie and Guy stood up and went back to recording and discussing band related stuff.

The day went like yesterday. I took the time out t walk around the table win for a bit. The sun shines brightly. I went over to the beach and relaxed for a while.
When I got back, I saw Jamie and Phil having a serious discussion probably about band related stuff and chose to ignore them. I spoke more to Guy and that too about body care products! He sure was a lot like me!

This was our second and last night in Barcelona. I took loads of pictures of the beautiful view. The moon wasn't as full anymore. And somehow, my eyes got weary quickly. Everything became dim and I fell asleep.

∆ Jamie ∆

It was past midnight and I was crying. Fortunately everyone was asleep. I got up and walked out but accidentally dropped my charger. Although it made a loud noise,I didn't see any movement. I walked out of the Church and sat down on a bench outside, still wrapped in my blanket. It was very cold but it felt like my heart was way colder. I sobbed in the middle of nowhere. I heard the sea roaring , just like my aching heart. I was so in love that I hurt myself. Why am I like this? I thought to myself. I sat frozen and stared into the dark until I heard the door opening and someone walking up to me. It's Chris. He walked up to me and sat next to me. Without a word, he reached up to my blanket and wrapped himself in it.mWe looked silly, but it felt warmer.

"Are you alright?" Chris asked.

"I don't think so. Why are you awake?"

I looked at the ground. My eyes were swelling, I could feel that.

"You made noises. And I don't think so too. It's okay, you can get tell me."

"It's Phil."

"What's wrong with Phil? I thought you two were dating."

I laughed sheepishly. "No, of course not. He doesn't like me, it's obvious. Chris, I'm madly in love with him. This is just so tough for me, I feel rejected. Well, it should feel normal, but still, it hurts."

"Jamie- look at me."

I looked at him. His blue eyes glowed in this aching night.

"He likes you. He loves you. He kept talking to me about you all week!"

Chris cleared his throat before proceeding. "You're special, okay? Phil is just, not ready. But he loves you, he's crazy about you. He just needs time to prepare himself. Okay?"

He sat next to me with a blank face and pondered about something which I'd never knew about.

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