Chapter 9

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June 2008

It's about 9 pm and me, the band, producers, crew, some relatives, Coldplay, were throwing a rooftop party! 12 June 2008, we released our fourth album, "Viva la Vida or Death and All of His Friends" and it was a great success. In just a week, it had topped charts in most of the countries it felt so good!

The atmosphere was bright. People dancing, drinking,smiling, laughing and the lights. The warmth of beer streaming through in my throat and next to the picnic table I sat on was comforting. It felt perfect with the summer breeze.

Hours passed and I sat ,alone sipping beer. The first 20 minutes of the party I was dancing ,though, but things still felt so dim. I was happy that we released another album and it got loads of positive response, but I felt empty, very empty. It felt as if a huge crack had developed in my heart and nothing could fix it. I took another sip from what had seemed like my second bottle. Every now and then Will would come up to me, (he only did that for the food next to me) asking me if I was alright. Maybe I wasn't.

I looked at Chris talking to Phil, with his arms folded as usual. Phil. That one particular being stressed me out. The last decent conversation we had was 4 months ago. He didn't even look at me anymore and avoided me as much as possible. He built walls around him, unbreakable walls. And I wondered why.

"Rose garden." I mumbled and giggled to myself. Everything was a big blur. My brain got effected by all that alcohol in my body. "Why the fuck did you not say a thing to me?? I'm not a fucking wall." I mumbled again. "Oh right! Terra. She did all this. She caused this." I said to myself, again. I turned my head and saw Terra having loads of fun and laughing Guy. She saw me looking at her. I waved at her like an idiot. She giggled, waved back and went back to her conversation with Guy.

But what if it isn't Terra? What if it's me. Or what if it's another girl? Or, what if it's business. What if there was no life? No, what if there was no love? Between us? No, clearly I love him. I talked to myself. Third bottle. I slowly began to lose track of my surroundings. "Baby, it's a violent world," I sang to myself.
A few minutes later, I saw Guy walking towards me with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey!" He said.

"Hiiiii!" I replied.

"Quite drunk, aren't we?" He said while patting on my head. I nodded and we laughed.

After a second of silence, I spoke again.

"Why don't you tell her?"

"Tell whom what?"

"Tell Terra that yo-you like her. It-it's quite obvious that you do."

The smile on his face disappeared. Worry lines had appeared on his face. The sparkle in his eyes was was gone. It was too obvious even for me to notice.

"We really need to get you home."

"Take a sip and go tell her." I said while offering him my beer. He didn't hesitate before taking the bottle and a sip. He seemed more peaceful than before.

"See you later." He said as he stormed off to find Terra.


It had been a week since the day on which everyone's misery had disappear. Coldplay had released another album and Jamie was finally free and could spend time with me. The last 4 months were crucial for Jamie. She stayed out home for most of the day and was awfully tired when she got back. Poor girl. But today was her turn to enjoy.

"You have to come too." she said when I had just got out of shower.

"Come where?"

"The party. Guy wants you to be there. He asked me to ask you."

That was the first time Jamie spoke to me in days. Most of the days, she was asleep while I left and came back home after I was asleep.

"Do I have to be there?" I was quite hesitant about this whole party thing.

"I should probably ask Guy to talk to you directly."

"Well then, I'm gonna be a little late." I said and left for work.

Nothing much had changed in 4 months. Except me quitting working for Brian and joining a new law firm. I was still new at it, but it was fun.
I couldn't wait for that day to be over! To see Guy. The last time we spoke was when he dropped Jamie over. Even thinking about Guy gave me goosebumps and the "butterflies in my stomach" feeling. I got back home as soon as I was done with work, wore a pretty party dress. I drove over to The Bakery with a bottle of good wine which I secretly hated. I slowly made my way inside. The door was ajar. I tried to be as quiet as possible but failed miserably because of my stilettos. I heard music and decided to follow it. I climbed a flight of stairs which probably lead to the roof. The staircase railing vibrated because of the loud music. I opened a door which led to the terrace.

What I saw behind the door was totally something unexpected. This was a full fledged thriving big ass party with people getting drunk and dancing as if they were half their age.

"Hey and welcome!" Someone said while tapping me on my shoulder. I turned around to see Chris Martin right behind me.

"Hi!" I said and he gave me a hug. I almost sprained my neck while looking at his face cause he was way more taller than I was.

"How about I take her from here?" A familiar voice said. I turned to the voice and spotted someone smiling, showing his razor-like canines. Of course this isn't a Nat Geo Wild show, but it seems like it's the right word to describe his fangs. Fangs whose bites were the desires of every sane girl.

"Sure." Chris replied, then winked at him.

"Long time no see? How have you been?" Guy asked, with his hands in his pockets.

"It's all fine. What about you?"

"Pretty much the same. You look gorgeous, by the way. I'm really glad you could make it." He said while biting his lip.

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