A BVB Story- Chapter 2

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Andys pov

"Wake up CC. We are here. And act civilized, just until they say yes. "

CC laughed and climbed out of the car with the rest of us. I looked at the school building, reminiscing over my school days. They were certainly NOT the best.

We headed inside toward the administration office. The woman working in the office was on the phone, so she signaled us to sit down and wait.

Ashley looked at me asking with his eyes, "Do you think it'll work?"

Anyone could tell he was uneasy. "Its gonna be fine, Ash. "

And we waited.

Sarahs pov

Third block had been a cloud, I didn't remember anything about it. All I could think about was Gage. He'd been pushing away lately, and that worried me. I don't want him broken anymore.

On the way to fourth block, Prissy and her idiot friends cornered me. "We found this is Coach Tuccio's room." Prissy held a notebook up teasing me. Not just any not book. My notebook. The one with all of my deep thoughts written inside. "We read it too!", she said, laughing. "To Tuccio. " "Oh, you are going to fun talk after school, aren't you?" She shoved the book against me and pranced off. God, I thought. At least Tuccio is a good guy. A fair teacher, not judgmental at all. I wandered to fourth block, finally getting to go to music.

Andys pov

We finally got to the principal's office. I surveyed the room. I saw music, band posters, CD's, and even one of our posters. I smiled and nodded to him. "Hello gentlemen", he said smiling. "I'm Mr. David Sistrunk, and this is one of our counsellors Ms. Kim Dixon." "Pleasure" Ash said. 

"We would introduce ourselves, but it looks as if you already know us." said CC with a smile. "oh, yes" Mr. Sistrunk said. "We know you."

Ms. Dixon spoke up. "over the phone you said you wanted to work with our underprivaleged kids. Why? Is it a TV show or something.?"

"No ma'am," I reploed. "an interviewer asked us if we had ever done something like this and it made us think. No one knows we are here except you all."

"perfect." Ms. Dixon and Mr. Sistrunk smiled. " There is one girl, that I instantly thought of. Her name is Sarah Lane. She has had to deal with things from substance abuse, to the death of her parents, to a suicide attempt." "She is very talented and we let her stay in the music room after school. But she will stop playing if she hears people coming."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Thats horrible. We'd be happy to go talk to her." Jake said. I thought to myself, aww Jake's sweet side.

" Al right, well she'll be here after school, thanks guys."

"It's no problem," we replied.

And we waited on the bell.

 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my first story guys, do ya llike IT?? i'm sorry i updated so late, but things got hectic. i'll try to work faster, and update you guys every 2 chapters. Thanks for reading!

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