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Sarahs POV

      I was silent the whole bus ride. The guys were whispering up front, and I could hear every word. I kind of wanted to give them a hug. Around the neck. With my hands. But I couldn't do that. They had been so kind and understanding, and I guess it kind of helped that they were my favorite band. Still, whispering is annoying.

     "You know," said a deep voice beside me, "people usually talk alot when they are worried.  Are you sure you don't want to tell me whats going on?" i didnt know he was back here. My hand flew uo to my chest and I cursed, my first clear and audible word of the day. He chuckled deeply.(stop it sarah.) "I's sorry."  I shook my head. "Its alright." He took a deep breath. "In all seriousness, Sarah, why don't you tell me what's wrong? The others cannot hear." I looked up at him. He had a gentle, sympathetic look in his eyes. "I can't Andy, or I'll..." He took my hand. " It's ok to cry, Sarah." I nodded, but still simply handed him my phone, where the conversation with Gage was displayed. He read it quickly, but still looked puzzled. "He's been trying to end his life for four years now. He told me we was over it." Once again, my emotions betrayed me, and I began crying. Andy didn't say anything else, he just held me to his chest, one hand still holding mine, and the other stroking my hair. Why do I trust him so much? Why am I being so vunerable? I thought I had taught my self better. I thought I was strong. I broke away from Andy, but he let his finger linger a little longer on my wrist, giving me a meaningful glance, and then he let go. Just in time, too. We were almost there, and they were sending Ashley back for us. I was surprised we had gotten there so quickly. Then again, CC was driving. We pulled to a curb, and I got out, followed by Jinxx. "I know this part of town can't be safe." He was right. He looked so protective standing by the bus. awww.  Andy followed Jinxx.  "Just in case." I nodded and headed over to Gage. He sat against the wall, and I thought he was okay.  Until I got closer.  He sat there, blood now just dripping from his wrists, a piece of glass his make shift blade. His collarbone was bloodstained. I did'nt undersstand until I saw the pistol in his still shaking hands.  "Gage, you, you can't do this anymore." I had forgotten invunerability, I was bawling. "I'm sorry... I" He slumped over unconscious. "Andy! Help!" I coulsn't take it anymore. gage, the only one I ever truley loved, was almost gone. I felt all my memories and nightmares come back to haunt me . It was so overwhelming. Soon, I fell into the same black peace Gage had.

Andys POV

      Jinxx and I ran over as soon as she yelled, but we obviously weren't quick enough. By the time we were over there, both Sarah and Gage layy unconsuious. I could understnad Gage, he had a bullet in his shoulder, but sarah?? All i knew is that we had to get them to a hospital quickly.

        Instictivly, I pick up Sarah. Jinxx looked at me strange, but I just shrugged. Soon we were racing back to the bus, hoping for the best.  I was in first.(Long legs are beneficial). Jinxx followed after me. "Hurry CC, but be gentle.His pluse is deminishing."  " And her's is racing" I added. For the first time since god knows when, CC looked grim. We were all thinking the same thing, We probably wouldnt get there in time for both of them.  "just hurry", I said, and we sped off.

________________________________________________________________________________ so. this is a legitimate wattpad chapter Yes?  Let me know what you think, especially my watty mentor(you know who you are) Goodbye now. .

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2012 ⏰

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Blackbird- A story of love,life, and never giving in.(black veil brides fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now