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A/N: So, I recently started re-watching Yu-Gi-Oh and well in love with it again. I had an idea for a story that I could not resist. This goes out to everyone who grew up with the original show. Those who didn't but still enjoy it, you're cool too.

This will basically follow the series, but there may be some twists later on. I will summarize parts of episodes where I do not think my OC can add much to the story. If you think I'm doing this too much or too little, feel free to say so.

This is based on the English dub of the anime. All names will be taken from it. From what I can tell, Bakura's dub name is Bakura Ryou. Therefore I will use Bakura as his first name. I think it sounds better anyway.

The prologue takes place four years before the main story begins.



"I'm a wizard!" a boy in his mid teens declared, jumping on the couch and striking a heroic pose.

A little girl shrieked and hid behind a boy in his late teens. "Hey, Kenji, you're scaring Sakiko."

Kenji rolled his eyes and hopped off the couch. He turned to the 12-year-old girl with short black hair who was watching quietly from the side. "Come on, Samia." He shook her shoulders. "What do you want to be?"

Samia blinked several times, seeming surprised at the question. "Uh, can I be a magic cat?"

Sakiko brightened. "I like that!"

Kenji frowned. "What is a magic cat going to do against a wizard?"

"Well, I'm a magic dog, so you'll have to deal with both of us!" Raiden declared. He walked over to his sister and puffed up his chest.

"No fair!" Kenji cried. He darted forward and wrapped his arms around Sakiko. "I've got the princess. Now do your worst!"

Raiden turned to Samia and grinned. "Let's use our magic against him."

A soft smile graced Sami's lips. She nodded once. "Ok." The two of them raised their arms while Kenji pointed a finger at them, his other arm securely around the youngest girl.

"What are you kids doing?!"

Samia froze in place. She thought her parents would not come back from the marker until later on that day, but their errand seemed to have taken shorter than usual. She did not dare turn to look at the owner of the voice.

"Samia," her mother said in a hard tone.

"It's not her fault," Kenji said, freeing Sakiko. "I started it."

"And I let it happen," Raiden said. "I'm in charge."

"I just wanted a magic cat," Sakiko muttered sadly.

"How many times have I told you that there is to be no magic in this house?" The woman put her hands on her hips and clicked her tongue.

The man next to her put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Layla," he said gently. "There just having fun."

"Magic is not fun, Susumi," Layla said, turning her disapproving look to her husband. "Someone could get hurt."

"Like who?" said Kenji.

"Like Samia."

Samia flinched and hid behind Raiden. She wanted to tell her mother that she as the one currently causing her pain. She could feel the anger coming off of her like waves. It mixed with the fear, creating something that could be hard to curb. Her siblings emitted small wafts of fear, but they were overpowered by Layla's strong emotions.

Lion's Mouth: Part I (Yu-Gi-Oh)Where stories live. Discover now