Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Everybody, wake up!"

I slowly sat up at the sound of Joey's voice. I groaned as I clutched my head. What was with that dream? It felt almost like a memory. No, it was memories mashed together by my subconscious. It was hard to distinguish which parts of it were real.

"What's wrong?" Bakura said from beside me, looking at me with concern.

"I had a weird dream." I paused. "Did I ever tell you I've actually been to Egypt?"

"I think I remember you mentioning that once. It was before we met, right?"

I nodded. "I was seven. I remember because that's the age all females with my ability in my family have to go to Egypt. I had a dream about my visit. I can't remember much. After my parents died, I pushed everything about Egypt out of my mind. I think being here and with the Millennium Items is bringing it all back."

"That would make sense. What was your dream about?"

"Mostly about the time I spent with a friend I made there." I closed my eyes and saw his face. I knew he was real. I wished I could remember his name. It had been so long ago... I knew I would recognize him if I saw him again. I would know his smile and those eyes anywhere. How could I have ever forgotten? I had not had many true friends before Bakura.

I opened my eyes to see my friend staring at me curiously. "I paid more attention to relationships then the real reason for my visit," I said sheepishly. "My mom and grandma talked about magic, but I can't remember much about that. I think what's happening now might be connected. I can't remember."

Bakura gave me a small smile. "If it's important, I'm sure it will come back to you. For now, let's focus on getting off this island in one piece."

I nodded. He was right. Still, I could not shake the feeling that I had just stepped into my past and future all at once. Despite it all, I was comforted by the knowledge that my powers had been useful to someone at some point. I had comforted that boy in my dreams. I wasn't useless. Where was that boy now? Still in Egypt, probably. I hoped he was doing well. I shook off my thoughts so I could focus on the present.

Once everyone else was finally ready to go, we realized Mai wasn't with us. Tea emerged from the tent and explained that Mai had left her bag of food and a note. The note said that she owed Yugi eight star chips. She must have gone on ahead. Soon, we were on our way as well.

Everyone chatted about the day ahead as we walked, though I remained silent. I needed to conserve my energy for when it mattered. After some time, Joey claimed that he heard someone following us. Tea and Tristan dismissed his claims, but I focused on my powers and tried to discern the truth.

"I think he may be right," I said. "I sense something."

"I told you!" Joey said triumphantly. He then ran forward.

"Where are you going?" Tristan said.

"To stalk them!" Joey called back. And then he was out of sight.

I exchanged a look with Bakura. Like that was a good idea. I shook my head and sighed. I would have to pay even more attention to our surroundings now.

The conversation died as we continued to walk. Soon, I got the sense that something was wrong. I sensed uneasiness from my companions. I knew we were all thinking the same thing.

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