Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Twigs scraped my clothed arms and legs as I raced through the forest. I thought only of fear. Then my foot hit something hard, and I sprawled on the ground, my glasses exiting my face. I lay in the dirt and grass, listening to my rapid heartbeat.

I had to get up. I had to come up with a plan.

Where was I supposed to go? How was I supposed to find Yugi? Who could I go to for help? I remembered some of my mother's last words to me and decided to trust in my intuition. For that to work, I had to push down my fear.

I took a deep breath and choked down a sob. I pushed myself up into a sitting position and reached for my purple glasses. I knew my hair must be even more out of place after that fall, but I had no time to think about that. I brushed myself up as a slowly stood up. Then I took another deep breath.

I could do this.

I closed my eyes and tried to think and feel nothing. After several minutes of silence, I felt a pull to my right. My eyes shot open as I took off running again. I could not hold off the fear for long, and I wanted to get far away from the Spirit of the Millennium Ring as possible.

I did not know where I was going, but I felt the need to get there quickly. Soon, the trees thinned, and I could see water up ahead. I slowed down as I reached the dock. What I found at the dock caused my mouth to fall open in surprise.

Yugi and his friends stood on the dock, but who they were facing was what shocked me: a man dressed in black holding Mokuba Kaiba!

My fear forgotten, I raced towards the scene. "Mokuba! Let him go!" I cried. I did not consider myself the brave type, but my little sister's friend was in trouble. The man stepped back in surprise, yet before I could reach him, someone grabbed my arms and pulled me back.

"Samia!" Mokuba cried as he struggled.

"Yugi is taking care of this," said Joey's voice.

"They're dueling later, so let them go for now," said Tristan.

The man grunted before walking off with the kid. I did not try to go after him, for my adrenaline was dying down, and with that came the return of my reason. I would not be helping Mokuba or Bakura by getting myself hurt.

My senses returned, and they gave me an uncomfortable feeling. My arms were suddenly free. I spun around and came face-to-face with Yugi Muto.

Except, it wasn't Yugi...

It looked like him, but my senses told me it was someone else. In fact, there was something oddly familiar about the sensation I was feeling...

"Are you ok?" he said in concern.

He reached out to touch me, but I leapt back like I had been burned. My pulse skyrocketed as I connected the dots. "Spirit!" I cried. I stumbled backwards, falling onto the dock.

For a second, I saw a flash of surprise in his eyes, but then confusion replaced it. "Spirit? What are you talking about?"

"Are you feeling alright?" said Tea.

Yugi stepped towards me again, and I scooted away. All I could think about was the Spirit of the Millennium Ring. Why had I not considered that the Millennium Puzzle would also house a spirit?

"Maybe she hit her head," Joey said.

'Yugi' glanced down at his Puzzle and then back at me. "Do you sense magic from my Millennium Puzzle?"

I nodded. "I can sense emotions... and magic."

"Yep, definitely hit her head," Joey said, earning an elbow in the side from Tea.

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