The Project

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Chapter 3:

     When I came to school the next day I tried my best to avoid him. It was all going good until Science.

     "Good morning class," said Mrs.Carr as the bell rang. This is one of the two classes me and Zayn have together, and as usual he was late.

     "Mr.Malik, this makes another detention for you."

     "Whatever," he replied bitterly. I tried hiding my face in my book so that he wouldn't sit next to me but as I feared he took the seat next to me. He looked at me with a smirk on his face. He leaned over so that I could hear him.

     "Are you scared now?" he said in whisper that made shivers go down my spine.

     "N-no," I could hardly breathe.

     "You should be," he whispered again.

      " Ok now it's time to assign partners for your quarterly project," said Mr.Thompson. He read all the names off of a long list. Finally I heard my name called.

     "Johnson and Malik." What did he just say! No! No! No! No!

     "Looks like me and you are partners," Jr said with a smirk clear on his face.

     "Great," I said sarcastically.

     "Wanna meet at my place after school?"

     "Well, only if I have to."

     "Ok, stop by the cafeteria after school and I'll give to a ride."

     "Ok," was all I said. The rest of class I remained quiet.

     After school I sent a quick text to my mom feeling her where I was going to be and went to the cafeteria.

     "Let's go princess," he said while leading me to his black Range Rover. I got in and we drove silently to his house. When we got there he opened the door and we walked inside.

     "So, what were you thinking for the project?" I said as I was being the project information out of my bag.

     "I was thinking that we should do something else before we start the project," he said.

     "Like what?" I asked. I could tell he noticed the fear on my voice.

     "What's wrong? I thought you said you weren't scared?" he questioned.

     "I- I'm not."

     "Then come on," he said gesturing upstairs.

     "What are we doing?" I asked while walking up thestairs into what looked like his bedroom.

     I gulped, wondering why he would take me to his bedroom.

     "So why are we here again?" I asked for the second time.

     "I just thought it would be more private than down there in the living room. Especially when you have siblings like me."

     "Oh, ok," I said relieved, "So what are we gonna do since you don't wanna work on the project?"

     "I don't know."

     "Then why am I even over here?!"

     I could see him clench his teeth. He was clearly pissed.

     "Where's you bathroom?" I asked quietly.

     "Turn left. It's the second door on the right."

     "Ok, thanks," I replied softly before making my way to the bathroom. Once I got in there and I was sure that no one could here me, I called my mom and asked here to pick me up. After that I went downstairs to grab my things.

     "Leaving so soon?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and sure enough, it was Zayn.

     "Th-there was a family emergency," I lied.

     "Don't bother trying to lie to me. I heard you on your phone with your mom."

     "I-I." Just then, I heard a honk from outside. "I gotta go," was all I said before I went outside and jumped into my mom's car and silently drove home.

Author's Note:

I know I didn't get three votes but I felt like it was too short. Anyways...thanks to those of you who have voted and read this far! Please fan, vote, and comment! I'm asking for one comment this time and I won't update until I get one! Please and thank you! :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 ⏰

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