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Red's P.O.V

Well, obviously we are not "over" Ross' death, but we feel a bit better when time passes by. You know when someone close to you passes away, and a lot of time passes by? Well, when a bunch of time passes by, you are still sad, but not insane.

I let a soft smile creep up on my face, and worked peacefully on some paperworks that Adam handed out to me, to pass my work time.  

I finished filling out the papers, and sharpened my pencil with a Miku pencil sharpener. I placed my pencil down back on my desk, and stacked the papers together and placed them away.

I felt thirst biting in my throat, so I got up and trotted over to the sink, and got out a glass, and fillied it halfway, and chugged it down.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Tim sitting down on a table, a pear in his hands, and his eyes burned into my skin. I felt sweat drip down my neck. Why did Tim seem to mad and...distant. Confident blaired though me, as my eyes caught his.

"What's wrong?" I asked, placing the cup in the dish washer. His cheeks burned red, and his eyes were narrowed.

"Nothing." He sulked. I blinked at his abruptness. I recoiled,

"Tell me, Tim. What's up?" I muttered, folding my arms. He then shot up from his chair, and I jumped, startled.

"WHAT'S UP!? HOW ARE YOU OVER ROSS!?" He screeched.

"Why would you remind people?"

"How can you forget!?"

"I didn't!"

"Well it's your fault he died!" He hollered. Emotion swooped into my whole soul, and regret and sorrow filling my heart. I sniffled.

"Tim...I didn't mean it...I am not over him, but we have to move on with life." I whispered, but he heard.

"FUCK YOU, RED!" He roared. Anger, but mostly sadness pinned me down. I felt someone running down the hall.

"Tims! What the hells!?" Barney's voice echoed. Adam came rushing too, hearing the scene. I covered my face, tears spilling down.

"Tim! What is wrongs with you!? It is not Red, nor Max's faults, you shit! Leave Red alone!" He quibbled. Adam pushed Tim away,

"The fuck, Tim!? You are going to make even Red depressed! You're out for today!" He raged. Tim just stood, his eyes wide, before taking off, with nothing on his back. 

Barney hugged me, and I instantly felt soothed. sweet dinosaur. His is always there for me. He makes me feel so much better for everything. 

"Barney...I love you." I whispered. He blushed, and kissed my forehead.

"I loves you too. I won'ts let Tim hurts you. I will protect you." He murmured. I closed my eyes, feeling his warm breath on my shoulder.

"Ditto." I squeaked, hugging him back, with Adam awkwardly watching. 

"I'll talk to Tim later. Red, you okay?" Adam checked. I grinned, a feel of sunlight shining in me,

"Yes. Thanks everyone. Barney made me more happy and confident." I crooned. Adam nodded,

"That's great! Now back to work, everyone!"

The story's not over yet! I have more dramatic events that you shall read. I'll update soon :3


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