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Baekhyun wondered through each isle of the super market not really sure of what he was looking for; Neither him or Jongin wrote a list. What to do.

He grabbed the things he knew he needed and put them all in a basket. After getting all what he thought was enough for dinner this week, Baekhyun checked out the section of the market where they sold a few DVDs, CDs, books, magazines, etc. He searched through the music and picked up a couple CDs. Baekhyun knew Chanyeol would like at least one of these— the boy usually used to listen to them on repeat.

After paying for all the shopping he left the store and headed home. He had something in mind for when he got home—something he thought might help this messed up situation.

When he stepped in the house, Jongin wasn't in the kitchen nor was he in the living room. 'That's good' Baekhyun thought 'if he's in his bedroom that means I can do this quickly without anyone seeing'.

Baekhyun quickly got out the CD he brought for Chanyeol and began with his plan.


Luhan did get a message from Sehun. Infact, he got many. They stayed up nearly all night chatting. Luhan felt tired the next morning but it was worth it. Definitely.

Luhan still loved the cinema day they had together; he loved seeing Sehun smile and being happy. He loved how he complimented him saying 'you still look handsome'. Still. Handsome. He loved sehuns chuckle and laughs when he was in the cinema and even sometimes when Luhan said things and made him laugh. It made Luhan feel like someone was actually happy to be with him and enjoys his company. Of course his friends were always like that too, but this— this felt different. Well he hoped it was different. Luhan hoped that Sehun would think the same about him. Of course it was 95% more likely that Sehun just liked him as a friend  but Luhan had already fallen for hi so ther was no going back.

When texting each other Sehun said that he would like to spend another day together. Luhan, obviously, agreed even if he would be just as nervous as last time.

Thinking about him only made Luhan want to see him more.


Sehun finally liked someone.

They only met a couple of weeks ago but he felt like they knew each other well enough already.

They had exchanged numbers and had been talking since. Sehun had only seen them a few times yet that was enough to know that someone could be the one right?

'Yes' Sehun convinced himself. 'Yes it is'

Sehun was going to be going out with his crush again tomorrow—he was actually really excited.

Tonight he would probably be going to sleep early ready for a perfect day.


Jongin heard Baekhyun come in but he didn't bother coming out of his room. He doubted they would be speaking much. Baekhyun had became very quiet. The house had became very quiet. When everything was lively and happy, Jongin would be lying if he wished that it would be peaceful for once. That Chanyeol and Baekhyun would calm down and stop acting so close. But now...

He almost missed it.

Actually no. Not almost.
He did.

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