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Evelyn was in transfiguration, copying down the notes on the black board when Professor McGonagall made an announcement.

"The Yule Ball is approaching- a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now the ball will be open only to fourth years and above- although you may invite a younger student of you wish." Evelyn had previously been told about the Yule Ball by her mother. She recalled most of the conversation about what she was going to wear.

   One of Narcissa Malfoy's biggest concerns when it came to her daughter was her appearance. No way would she allow Evelyn to wear a plain shirt and jeans. The first time Evelyn was allowed to dress casually in public was when she was eleven.

Evelyn continued listening until class was dismissed.

"Potter, Malfoy, a word please." Professor McGonagall called before the two could leave. They walked up and stood in front of her desk.

"The champions and their partners..."

"What partners?" Harry asked.

"Your partners for the Yule Ball, Potter." Harry still wasn't understanding.

"Your dance partners."

"Dance partners? I don't dance." He said quickly getting red in the face.

"Oh yes you do. Traditionally the champions and their partners open the ball."

"But I don't..."

"You heard me, Potter. Any concerns, Malfoy." Evelyn shook her head no. Professor McGonagall dismissed them. Evelyn went to find Hermione to talk about the Yule Ball. Before she could find her she was swooped up by Jasmine and Diane.

"Hi Evelyn! Do you know about the Yule Ball yet? I'm so excited for it. Dressing up, going with a cute boy, it's going to be so much fun! And then there's..."

Before jasmine could keep rambling, Diane cut her off. "Jasmine extremely excited if you couldn't tell."

"Has anyone asked you yet?" Evelyn shook her head no.

"I heard that the champions have to open up the ball with who ever they went with. And seeing as all the guys from all three schools are drooling over you, you've got a wide variety. " Diane told her.

"Who do you guys want to go with?" Evelyn asked the girls.

"I don't really know. I'll probably say yes to just a random guy." Diane responded.

"I've got someone in mind." Jasmine said.

"And here comes her long story about her crush on Seamus Finnigan."

"It's not that long of a story. So in my first year I had sat by him in DADA and he would occasionally talk to me but it was just like friendly stuff. Then in my second year he started talking to me more. Then by this year I basically know like everything about him and he's super cute. Like did you know that Seamus'..."

"Jasmine we don't know, and no offense, but don't care." Evelyn giggled a bit.

"One day you'll be this way with a guy Diane, and on that day I'm going to tell you that I don't care."

"You'll be too invested in my love life to do that."

"Uh... Yeah probably." The three girls laughed together and continued talking. Until they had to go their separate ways.

   After the announcement of the Yule Ball Evelyn was being bombarded by boys who wanted to go with her. She would say she hadn't decided yet and walk away knowing that she probably wasn't going with that boy. She didn't want to hurt their feelings, but she couldn't say yes to everyone. Evelyn wished she didn't have to attend the Yule Ball. The only good part about it was that she could finally stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. Her mother and father always made her and Draco come home and spend Christmas with them.

   Every year at Malfoy Manor her parents hosted a huge dinner party with many important people from the ministry. Evelyn and Draco were forced to be there and talk about how amazing their parents were. Evelyn would always let Draco talk while she nodded along, lying about everything.

As Evelyn sat in the library with Hermione, she noticed that Viktor Krum was also there. She had remembered seeing him in there every time she went with Hermione.

"Hermione have you ever noticed how Viktor Krum is always in here when you are?" She asked her friend quietly.

"Now that you mention it, he does seem to be in here a lot when I'm here. But I'm betting he just spends a lot of time in the library."

"He's never here when I'm alone. Plus he stares at you. I have a feeling you've found your date to the Yule Ball."

"Nonsense." Hermione replied without looking up from her book.

"I better go. Have fun." Evelyn said smirking. She walked out of the library and began heading to her common room.

"Evelyn, just who..."

"... We were looking for." Fred and George Weasley said.

"Georgie insisted we get your permission to prank your brother."

"Permission granted. Get him good." She said. Though Evelyn was quiet, she loved pranks, even though she didn't pull them. Watching Fred and George playing pranks was one of her favorite things to do.

"Want to help?" George asked her. She was a little taken back but then answered.

"Let's do this."

"Looks like we've got ourselves a secret lover of pranks..."

"...That likes to hide a lot and not speak. Oh she'll be useful."

   Evelyn stood in front of the twins and listened as they explained what to do.

"Got it?" They asked her after telling her the prank. She nodded. Fred handed her a a dungbomb. She shrunk it.

"Go get him Eve." She nodded and smiled and walked over to her brother.

"Hi Evie." He said as she sat down in front of him. They were currently in the library. She waved and began a simple conversation. While Draco was distracted she slipped the dungbomb in his robes pocket.

"I have to go. Bye Draco." She walked back to the twins.

"Ready Eve?" They said together.

"So ready." They watched as Draco got up the dungbomb exploded and was all over him. Evelyn couldn't help but burst into laughter. She didn't know why she began to laugh so hard. Her and the twins were eventually kicked out of the library.

"I-I can't believe I just got kicked out!" She said while laughing.

"Anytime you want to do it again..." Fred began.

"We'll be there waiting." George finished. She nodded and waved to them as she headed to her common room.

"Evie!" Evelyn turned and saw a furious Draco still covered in the dungbomb. She laughed before Draco spoke.

"How dare you! You teamed up with those filthy blood traitors and did this! Our father will hear about this!"

"Go ahead and tell him Draco, I honestly don't care anymore. It was just a prank, no harm done. You can easily clean yourself up."

"But you did it with those Weasleys!"

"Draco you know I don't care about blood status like you and our parents. Now you better clean yourself up before dinner, nobody wants to smell you while eating." She laughed at the last part before watching her brother storm away.

Hey guys I just wanted to let you all know that this weekend I probably won't update because I'm going to Universal Studios Hollywood. It takes a while to write chapters because I like to go back to the book and make sure my story matches up with it. It would be way easier to base this off of the movies, but I don't want to give you guys a half ass story. I want you all to keep enjoying it. If I don't update then I'll do a double update on Monday and I'll talk a little bit about my trip in an authors note. Thanks for continuing to love this story!

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