special 1 : a day with Awataguchi

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Fufufufu, since (y/n) is Ichigo's lover now, she wants to know all about Awataguchis member~~
So she decided to spend a day with only Awataguchis member. Just for a day.
And this is (y/n)'s and ichigo 6 months anniversary!!! Congratzzz
"Thankyou for your hardwork, guys!!" said (y/n) happily.


(Y/n) smiled.

"Ahh, since you guys always worked so hard, i'll give you two days no chores, two days free!"

"Oh reallyyy???" ask Mitsutada.



"No problem!!"

(Y/n) come back to her room and then suddenly Yagen entered her room.


"Hm? What happen?"

"We all want to spend a day with Aruji only!!" said Yagen happily.

"Hm? We?"

"Yess, the Awataguchisss~~"

'Hm... Since i'm ichigo's lover now, maybe it'll great if i know all of them better.' Thought (y/n).

"Sounds good!! So, what is the plan?"

"Nggg...hehehe we still don't know.."

(Y/n) let out a little chuckle and than pat Yagen's head.

"How about sleepover?"

"Whoaa, interesting!! So it's like a camping? But i'm not sure.. Midare hate insects.."

"Nooo, we can sleep in my old citadel."

"Old citadel?"

"Yup. My old citadel is'nt big like now. The government told me to move to this citadel, the bigger the better since i have toooo many swords now."

"Hm.. With who you live in your old citadel?"

"With Mikazuki, Ichigo, and Namazuo."

"Whoa ..."

(Y/n) nodded and smiled.

"Okay!! I'll tell ichi-nii and the others!" said Yagen happily.

"Go ahead, i'll prepare everything and i'll make some food ^_^" said (y/n).

"Okayy then!!"
"So...this is your old citadel, Aruji-sama?" ask Gokotai while gasped because (y/n)'s old citadel is huge enough and even have a koi pond. Yeaa she have a koi pond too in the new citadel but this koi pond is so nice and there's sakura leaf drop off in the pond and making a great view.

"It's been a long time..without you my koi..." said Namazuo while walking toward the koi pond. Honebami follow him. (THEY'RE A LOVER BTW. THIS IS A STORY AFTER MY PREV 'BURNING TOGETHER' STORY)

"Ah Namazuo always taking care with the fish. I don't even know how can the koi fish still alive.." said (y/n).

"Zuo-nii's symbol is a fish, so he's loves fish a lot." said Maeda while chuckling.

"Hahaha, let's go inside the citadel!! I'll make some tea after this." said (y/n).

"I'll bring yours, Aruji." said Ichigo.

(Y/n) nodded and smiled.

The angelic smile which is like an angel smile for ichigo. Ichigo loves (y/n)'s smile a lot.
"So, we have only two rooms here." said (y/n).

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