
503 16 4

(Y/n) sighed.

She really really really want a date with her beloved one. Who? Of course Ichigo Hitofuri.

"What happen, Aruji-sama?" asked Kashuu with worried face.

"U-uh, no problem, i'm okay."said (y/n) nervously.

Ichigo only stared at her confusedly.

"Thankyou for the meal, Mitsutada. Now prepare for your expedition, front lines, and internal affair, guys!" command (y/n).

Everyone nodded.

Now, several swords are help (y/n) for cleaning duties or cooked some food or etc.

"What happened, (y/n)?? You seem not really happy today. Is Something bothering you? " Ichigo asked while sweeping the floor.

(Y/n) sighed.

"You know, Ichigo. We never date or yeah..something like that since ..hh..i can't even remember.." said (y/n) bluntly.

Ichigo stared at (y/n).

"F-forget what i said earlier..." said (y/n) nervously while blushing.

"If you wanna go on a date with me, you can just tell me. You're cute if you're blushing like that." said Ichigo while pat (y/n)'s head softly.

"Really? Yeyy, finally i can go on a date with Ichigoo." said (y/n) while hugging Ichigo.

Ichigo smiled and hugging back.

"Wanna go to a festival tonight?" ask Ichigo.

" can you know that there will be a festival?"

"Haha, yesterday when me and Souza were going home from the market, we saw a preparation for festival, and Souza ask to one of them, the man said that it'll be a festival tomorrow which is mean today." said Ichigo.

"Oohh... I want to go!!" said (y/n) cheerfully.

"Meet me in the backyard after dinner, (y/n)-chan."


"Huum. We will dating tonight, (y/n)-chan." said Ichigo while kissed (y/n)'s cheek and then continue sweeping the floor.

(Y/n) nodded happily.

"Thank you for the meal!! You guys can rest now!!" said (y/n) happily.

"Wait wait, Aruji-sama." said Midare while pull (y/n)'s sleeve.

"Hm, what is it, Midare?"

"Are you'll go to a festival tonight with Ichi-nii, Aruji-sama?" whisper Midare.

"H-how can you know?"

"Ichi-nii told me. His face look so happy."

"Y-yes i'll go with him to the festival tonight.."

Midare looks so excited.

"Then i'll make up you, Aruji-sama!! Because it's a dateeee~!" whisper Midare.

(Y/n) nodded happily and follow Midare to his room.
" brothers are lazying around in the living room. We will doing this privately, Aruji-samaa." said Midare while grabbing his make up tools and a very cute yukata.

"And can i follow you both, Aruji-sama? I want to go to festival too. Maybe i'll ask Yagen later. Ah don't worry, we won't disturb, ehehe~~"

"Huum huum. Of course you can, Midare." said (y/n) while smiled.


"So let's begin to make up you, Aruji-sama~~"
A few minutes later, (y/n) and Midare are finished. Midare looks so pretty with pink sakura yukata and he put a sakura hairpin in his hair too.

And (y/n) looks pretty too with Aqua colored yukata with laces and pearls. Midare make (y/n)'s hair bun and put a blue sakura hairpin with pearls on it.

Yep. They both looks adorable.

"Good luck, Aruji-sama~~ i'll ask Yagen and then go to the festival. You can go first~~!" said Midare cheerfully.

(Y/n) nodded nervously and then walked towards the backyard.
"Ugh...I think Midare put too much make up in my face..." said (y/n) nervously while touched her red cheek.

"Nope. You're pretty as usual."

(Y/n) turned her head and she saw Ichigo with dark blue boy yukata. (Y/n) can saw Ichigo's chest and her face is blushing madly.


"You're beautiful."


"Shall we go??"

(Y/n) nodded and Ichigo held (y/n)'s hand.
"Pssshhh, Yagen you can disturb them!!" whisper Midare from behind.

Yep. Now Yagen and Midare are looking for (y/n) and Ichigo.

"But i want to--"

"Ya-gen!!! Don't be so noisy!!"
"Wait here, (y/n)."


And suddenly Ichigo came back with a beautiful pink sakura hairpin with laces and beads.

"Wah..this is so pretty.."

"I think so too. Here, let me put in your hair."

"B-but...i already wore a'nt too weird to wearing 2 hairpins?"

"Nope. You're so cute." said Ichigo smiling widely.

"Wanna see a fireworks?" asked (y/n) while heard a fireworks announcement.

"I'd love to, (y/n)."
"Pssh, Yagen!! They will see the fireworks!!"

"Wwwhooaa i want to see too!!'
Ichigo and (y/n) are watching Fireworks peacefully.

"The fireworks looks beautiful like you." said Ichigo.

"Nope. I'm not that beautiful, Ichigo."

"Yes you are."

Ichigo kissed (y/n) lips softly.

"Wanna go home? Tomorrow you'll have a front lines." said (y/n).

"Okay then."

They're going back to citadel while holding each other's hand ~~
Meanwhile Yagen and Midare...

"Yagen come on, they both are going home."

No respond.


No respond.

Suddenly someone grab Midare's legs and he falling down. In the river.

"PFFT BWAHAHAHAH!!" Yagen laughed a lot.

"...YAGEN YOU RUINED MY CUTE YUKATA!!" Yelled Midare while grabbing Yagen's legs and then pull him too.

So.. Midare and Yagen are playing in the river.

Tomorrow they catch a cold.


Such a weird ending tho --" i'm very sorry for a late update. I'm so busy and i'm not feeling well. I'm sorry if this chapter is shorter than usual.

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