Happy Birthday, Aruji-sama

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Hasebe looks so serious when he saw the calender.

"What happen, Hasebe-san? Your face looks serious." ask Ichigo while walking towards Hasebe.

"Oh nothing, it just... Look at this circle red mark." said Hasebe while appointed the circle red mark.

"it was written .. Aruji-sama's birthday."


Awkward silent.

"ARUJI-SAMA'S BIRTHDAY?!?!" screamed Hasebe.

"Sshhhh be quiet be quiet." said Ichigo while sighed.

"We must prepare a perfect party!" said Hasebe excitedly.

"Yep, we must." said Ichigo while smiled.

"We must gathered all the swords in the hall, and Ichigo please accompany Aruji to somewhere."

"Okay, Hasebe-san."
Meanwhile in (y/n)'s room...

"Ng...what time is it..."

(Y/n) saw her clock and then start to panicking.


"Calm down, (y/n)" said Ichigo while sit beside (y/n).

"Ichigo? Why you--"

"You can change your clothes and then went to walking around with me."

"Eh? How about breakfast and the sorties?"

"Don't worry, you gave Hasebe-san their schedule, and since you skipped the school for like a week, the schedule is still used, (y/n)."

(Y/n) nodded confusedly.

"Ah o-okay then i will change my clo--"

"You can do it here." said Ichigo while smiled.


"Don't worry, i'm your boyfriend, (y/n)."


Ichigo smiled. (Y/n) sighed and then change her clothes carefuly.

"(Y/n) have a nice body, right."

(Y/n) started to blushing madly.

"I-ichigo you pervert!!!"

"No, i'm not." said Ichigo while smiled again.

After change her clothes, Ichigo exited her room and then came back with a plate of omurice.

"This is your breakfast, (y/n)." said Ichigo.

"Ngh...how about the other swords?"

"Don't worry, they are eating now."

"But... I want to eat--"

"(Y/n). You can eat in here. You know everytime we ate together with all the swords, you often ignored me..so--"

"I know. You want me to eat with you right? Ichigo is so cute~"

Ichigo blushed.

"But are you already eat your breakfast??"

Ichigo turned his head to facing his Master and lovers~~

"I can share my meal with you, Ichi."

"B-but... It's kinda impolite you know... You're my master.."

"But i'm your girlfriend too, Ichigo Hitofuri. Or..you don't assume me as your girlfriend?"

"N-no, (y/n)!! I love you, i really really love you, you're my girlfriend.."

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