The Secret's Out

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Chapter 12


Liam Payne

I watched in horror, tears rolling down my face, as the paramedics tried to bring my Zaynie back. My beautiful Zaynie. I sob left my lips as they shocked him again.

"Clear!" One of them yelled. "Clear!" again..."Clear!" and again...Zayn's body jerking up as they shocked him.

"Liam!" I heard someone yell through the sirens. Harry. I turned and saw him run over to me with Louis by his side,"Don't watch, Li." He whispered when he got to me. He grabbed my head and laid it in his chest, preventing me from watching.

"Harry...Zayn...he-he" An other sob left my lips.

"Shhh..." He said."Niall called us, told us to come over here. Where is he?"

"I d-don't know." I whimpered out, trying to peak to what was happening.

"HE'S NOT REACTING!" The doctor yelled and I quickly pulled Harry away and ran to Zayn's side.

"NO! ZAYN! DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP, GOD DAMN IT!!" I yelled through my sobs,"You promised to stay by my side forever...please..Zayn." I sobbed and hugged him tightly.

I felt arms around me,"Liam, let go love." Louis' soft voice said, "Let go." He started to pull me away from Zayn.


"It's going to be ok..." Louis said .

I finally gave up and cried like I've never had before into his chest,"He promised Lou...he promised."

"I know, Li...i know."

I looked up and saw as the paramedic were putting the black bag over Zayn's body. I ran over to him and grabbed his wrist, stopping him,"Please...try again...please." I whispered

The paramedic looked at me with a sympathy look and nodded,"We'll try again."

And that's what they did. They tried 10 times...


Niall Horan

"Change of plans, meet me now. I changed the reservation. I want you here now. ~TG"

I sniffed and wiped my tears, walking back into Pattie's room. I walked over to Justin. I creased his cheek and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry babe." I sighed and kissed his lips. I walked to the door and I just opened the door an inch before I heard Justin.

"Ni...where are you going?" He said in a sleepy voice.

I looked back and have him a soft smile,"I'm just going to go get something to eat." I said, "Do you want anything?"

"Mmmhm, Italian would be nice." He said and I cleared my throat nervously, I saw his eyes began to drop again.

"Ok,baby. I'll be back in a while." Or maybe I won't be back...

~10 minutes later~

I took a deep breath and got out of the car. This is it. I walked up to the door and opened the door. I walked up to the lady,"I'm Niall Horan, I have a reservation here with a...friend." Yeah right.

"Ahh yes, he's waiting for you. Right this way." The lady lead me to the table, the private ones, far away, where only the waiter is allowed to go.

I gulped as his face came to view,"T-thank you ma'am."

She gave me a smile and went back to her position.

"You came." Tyler chuckled, "For a second I thought you were going to back out."

"I wouldn't do that. I'm only doing this for Justin and my friends." I spat.

Tyler chuckled again before grabbing my arm harshly and pulling me to him,"Look, you little bitch. You're still that slut that you always were back when we dated. You're still that slut that slept with my friends for money. You're still worthless."

I looked away, trying not to cry,"Y-you made me do it! I didn't want to sleep with them. I'm not worthless, I help everyone who needs it."

Tyler laughed,"Is that what they told you? And what did Justin say huh?"

"He thinks I'm perfect. He loves me." I whispered to him. Justin loves me, he told me so.

"Does he really?" Tyler asked,"Are you sure he's not hiding any secrets from you?" He grabbed my arm more tightly and I flinched in pain.

"He's told me everything there is to know." I told him.

"So he hasn't told you? I'm pretty sure he hasn't." Tyler said.


"Oh Niall. I'm so sorry. But Justin is only pretending to be gay. To get to Selena. That's the only reasons he's with you."



Niall knows now. Well, part of what Tyler said is true.

What's going to happen?

What will Niall say?

Zayn's alive.

Did I make you cry?

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