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Im in Korea and miss Anais my btff i mean like why would she do this to me well I guess it's not her fault but still

Rm: hey girl was your name?
Nyasia white hbu
Rm: rap monster
Ooooo mmmmmmyyyyyy gggggooooddd me and my twin are big fans
                      ANAIS POV

Well I guess I should get some sleep well I just can't stop thinking about Nyasia she's probably having fun in Korea but whatever

Shania: hey u ok
Yea I'm fine I just miss Nyasia
Shania: well let's go to Korea
Well I guess so i mean like I came here for Hayes Grier not to come here and then go to Korea
Shania: come on please just text Hayes and ask him if he wants to join us
I guess fine ok
Shania: great

                    SHANIA POV

IM SO HAPPY I'm going to Korea with Anais and Hayes this is just great I mean like Korea I never been there before this is great
Hayes: ok ready to go
Anais: i am
Hayes: hbu Shania
I'm totally ready I've packed everything but I was hoping to be the best teacher ever here not in Korea
Anais: come on Shania this was your idea not ours
Hayes: she's right
Fine let's go

                        AT KOREA

                    NYASIA W. POV

OMG  I think I saw Anais with Shania and Hayes I can't BELIVE there here
Well I'm fill rap monster my new boyfriend
Anais: NYASIA!!!!!!
Shania: gosh my ears
Hayes: same
What are u doing here
Anais: Shania convinced me and Hayes to come
Thx you so much I love u
Shania: no problem

Just me and my best friendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin