Im in Korea and miss Anais my btff i mean like why would she do this to me well I guess it's not her fault but still
Rm: hey girl was your name?
Nyasia white hbu
Rm: rap monster
Ooooo mmmmmmyyyyyy gggggooooddd me and my twin are big fans
ANAIS POVWell I guess I should get some sleep well I just can't stop thinking about Nyasia she's probably having fun in Korea but whatever
Shania: hey u ok
Yea I'm fine I just miss Nyasia
Shania: well let's go to Korea
Well I guess so i mean like I came here for Hayes Grier not to come here and then go to Korea
Shania: come on please just text Hayes and ask him if he wants to join us
I guess fine ok
Shania: greatSHANIA POV
IM SO HAPPY I'm going to Korea with Anais and Hayes this is just great I mean like Korea I never been there before this is great
Hayes: ok ready to go
Anais: i am
Hayes: hbu Shania
I'm totally ready I've packed everything but I was hoping to be the best teacher ever here not in Korea
Anais: come on Shania this was your idea not ours
Hayes: she's right
Fine let's goAT KOREA
OMG I think I saw Anais with Shania and Hayes I can't BELIVE there here
Well I'm fill rap monster my new boyfriend
Anais: NYASIA!!!!!!
Shania: gosh my ears
Hayes: same
What are u doing here
Anais: Shania convinced me and Hayes to come
Thx you so much I love u
Shania: no problem
Just me and my best friend
Teen FictionWhen shania meets Nyasia w. And Anais on the plain to NC so much happens soon enough Nyasia got mad and went to Korea Shania thought it would be cool to go too after she and Anais got to NC in Korea Shania meets her best friend Quincy and Anais goes...