Chapter 1

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The Mortal's eye could not pick up where Heaven was. The Mortal would point toward the sky when asked, but he never believed that was where Heaven was. He would always think that it was elsewhere in the world. For the Angels, though, Heaven was where they lived. Heaven was a place high in the sky. The spirits and the Angels all lived on what appeared to be a cloud to the Mortals. To the Angels, it was home. It wasn't fluffy or white, but it was golden. It was visible just to the Immortals, and it was their home. It was God's  home. It was the home of all of God's children- past, present, and future.

Ember Cantoff, Luke Williams, and Hannah Williams were standing next to each other. Ember's wings were fluttering;  she had always loved her wings. Her red hair contrasted with her pale skin and stainless white wings. She had brown eyes, and a ton of freckles spotted her cheeks. Luke Williams's wings were still in midair. He was concentrating on the conversation the three were having, and his eyebrows were furrowed together. His usually tidy brown hair was in a mess atop his head;  his bright blue eyes shining. Hannah Williams's wings were closed tightly together. Her sparkly, golden hair fell down her back, landing softly on top of her wings. Her dark brown eyes looked majestic almost all of the time.

Ember, Luke, and Hannah were Angels. There weren't a lot of Angels. God had a group of around fifty, so the three were lucky they had been chosen to help Him with anything He wished. God had chosen the group over four thousand years ago, and they had been going through the same procedure ever since then. A child would die, and they would fill the hole in the hearts left behind. They were like a replacement child, it seemed, but only God knew their true purpose.

Luke and Hannah were married. They had been married for two thousand, five hundred years. Every Angel has someone they are destined to be with. In Hannah's case, she was destined to be with another Angel, and that was usually the way it was. Only once or twice had an Angel's partner been a Mortal. Those Angels were the special ones;  something set them apart from all of the rest of the Angels. They were the Angels who held the most power with God, and they were the only ones who had ever experienced true love. Angels didn't experience true love with other Angels. They experienced God's control, but they had never formed a true bond with their partner. The love between the Angels and God was something extraordinary. Even true love didn't compare to God's love.

"We've been in Heaven too long for my taste," Hannah said. She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I'm craving another mission to the Earth."

Ember nodded her head in agreement. "The exciting things happen on the Earth with the Mortals. God usually has me out on a new mission within a week from my return. It's weird." Ember had returned from her mission two months ago. During those two months, Ember learned to be a human from the current time period, as she had done many times before.

Life was getting boring for Ember. Nothing new was happening to her. Her friends were married;  they had all found their partner. Ember hadn't yet, and that didn't make much sense to her. Her existence had taken up over four thousand years, and that was a long time, even in God Time.

"Missions can be bad, though. Remember what happened to Lucifer when he failed his mission? He was cast out of Heaven completely," Luke told the other two. Lucifer had been a onetime scenario, though. No one else had been cast out of Heaven since then.

"Don't speak of his name, Lucas. You know God doesn't appreciate it," Hannah reminded him. God didn't care for His Angels to speak of the Outcast very often.

The Messenger came over to the Angels' Common Room just then to retrieve some of the Angels. "God would like to see Blair West, Hannah and Lucas Williams, Ember Cantoff, Brynn Maize, and Joshua Clarke." The six Angels flew to the Messenger. "He will be in the usual space." The Messenger bowed in front of the Angels before walking off himself.

The six were on their knees before God. Their fear was shown through their silence, and God smiled happily at His obedient Angels. He had decided upon the six best Angels He kept for these difficult missions. Their previous missions would be a breeze compared to the ones they were about to embark upon.

Ember groaned inwardly, knowing God was about to give the speech he gave each time any of His Angels went on a mission. Ember had heard the exact speech verbatim over a thousand times in her Angel life.

"For every young child that dies, a wonderful and gallant angel replaces him in Heaven," God's voice rang out through the silence. "Each of you are here today because a flawless child has died. Each of you have learned to be human yet again, and I will release you to the Earth. You will fill that child's gap in whatever way you can. You shall provide a friend for one of his friends, you shall be a sturdy rock for his parents, or you shall do whatever it is I tell you."

Ember gulped, worried about what she would have to do this time. Every Angel is recycled. Her last mission was to save a boy from suicide. His girlfriend had died in a car wreck, and it was her job to fill the hole she had created in his heart.

"Ember Cantoff, are you ready to receive your mission?" God directly addressed her, and she shivered in fear.

"Yes, sir." There was no other possible words he would deem acceptable. She waited in those several terrible seconds to find out her new mission.

"You shall be comforting Ethan Cole over the loss of his twin brother, Bailey. You shall befriend Ethan, but you shall not love him. It shall all be an act to help him, and when I say to leave him, you must. Do not become emotionally attached to the boy. You will end up a heartbroken Outcast." God told Ember exactly what she feared hearing. She always got attached to whoever she was helping, so how could God order her not to? How would she pull it off? "Ahh, he's right on time. Ember, meet Bailey Cole. Bailey, meet Ember."

A/N: So....what do ya think?? I think The Angel is pretty epic myself. I hope you guys are enjoying it!! -Linsy

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