Chapter 2: Venturing in

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I peered Into the woods and stared as a human height creature stood staring at me, It ran deeper into the forest so far as to that I couldn't see it anymore. I took a step forward and that's when I ventured into the woods.

I couldn't stop thinking about that creature,was it a human I kept thinking but well it had to be, what else could it be?
After reaching the point of where that thing was I noticed something on the tree, something I knew, something that was in my grandfather's house, it looked the same as the blanket I was wearing with the red and green tartan details. I picked it up, it was still warm as if someone had just been wearing it, I read the label and for sure it said my grandfather's name on it as he always labelled his items with his name.

I threw it over my arm and looked into the misty forest, I checked the time on my watch and was only 4 pm so I still had time to look around the forest. I walked past the tree where the creature was and carried on walking which felt like hours to a terrified person.
It all looked the same just trees and the occasional rock, to be honest I didn't really know what I was doing and what I was hoping to find. I walked for at least half an hour and found a large rock so decided to rest after all I had been carrying two large blankets and had been walking for what seemed like hours. As I sat down I placed the blankets onto the cool grey rock, I had hardly noticed until I was sitting down that their were no wildlife, no birds nothing just the trees and I.

I must have nodded off for an hour or so as when I woke up it was getting darker and felt a lot colder in the air. I stood up slowly and went to grab the blankets but they weren't their, I could have sworn that I had left them their. They must have fallen I thought so I looked at the bottom of the rock and that's when I saw one of them. It was covered in blood like someone was bleeding and wrapped it on their wound, I picked it up with only a few fingers as I didn't want to get covered in blood. I placed it on the rock and unravelled the blanket what happened next still scares me to this second writing it, wrapped up in the blanket was a heart!

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