Chapt. 4

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Ryan's POV:
I was skateboarding on the boardwalk with chaz , just chilling in the vineyard park  .
We were drinking Hawaii punch , and taking some pics on Chaz's new canon fisheye camera.
We heard my bookbag vibrating and Chaz takes the camera as I reach for my bookbag .
I grab my phone and see Justin's calling .
I slide my thumb on the screen .
"Aye JB wassup ?"
"Ryan we got a mission."
I smirk thinking this is a chance for us to do another prank. I glance at Chaz and we both exchanged smirks .
"Who we pranking today?"
"Nah nah man it's Ady ."
My smirk drops and forms a straight line.
Ady Is like our little sister. 'Ady' I mouth to Chaz .
His smirk dropped as well .
"What's wrong?" All jokes aside , we love Ady and if this little photoshoot would be shut down for her no matter what.
"I don't know where she is . She said she would meet me at my place . But I know her Ryan I-i don't wanna lose her." I could hear Justin's voice cracking .
"Didn't you run after her ?!" I yelled through the phone . I hate when I feel that Ady is unprotected . I think we all do .
"I couldn't man . I was stuck in the moment . I literally crushed her . Do you know how pissed I am at myself ??"
You have no idea how mad I am at you either.
"Ryan ?? Look man I'm gonna search for her . Meet me at my place ."
He hung up and I was speechless .
I looked at Chaz and he gave me a puzzled look.
"We need to look for Ady."
We grabbed all the equipment and threw it in our bookbags .
We called a taxi , and went straight to Justin's house in Stratford , Ontario .
Adys POV:
I was skateboarding through museum Parking lots , going through the parts of London . It's been a while since I've gone through London .  My ipod starts vibrating , and my music gets cut off . I stop in a corner of the parking lot , and take it out .
I see a call from Ryan . I slide it and answer.
"Yes Ryan ?"  I say with annoyed tone .
"Where the hell are you ??" He says giving me attitude and strict tone in his voice.
"I'm skateboarding around the neighborhood.
I needed time to myself."
"Justin and everybody is here is worrying about you . Get over here . Now." Ryan sounded a little vicious and just as I was about to open my mouth he hangs up . I sigh and turn around to see a black car behind me . I squint try to see through the glass but the car was all black , including the glass . So I couldn't  see anything , not even a figure in there.
I get back on my board and try to push as hard as I can but I can still hear the tires of the car pacing behind me . 
I get off my board and sprint towards Justin's house which was about 3 blocks from where I was .
I didn't even dare look back to scare myself more than I already was .
I knock on the door really fast . And after about 5 seconds I felt hands wrapped around my waist from behind me .
"Oh god Justin . You scared the shit out of me."
I turn around and see Ryan .
He smiling at me and kisses my forehead .
"Thank god your okay." I falsely smile.
I never felt a cutesy - adorable type of way towards Ryan , yeah I understand that Ryan is Justin's best-friend but he isn't mine ..
Did that sound rude ? Yeah I know . Just Ryan is a little to over protective towards me .
"Come inside , we gotta call Justin and let him know your okay." I nod.
Justin .. I'm so sorry Justin ..
Justin's POV :
I've been looking for Ady for hours now . My phone is dead , and I'm soaked in sweat and little bits of perfume from fan girls I met in the way.
God I'm hoping Ady is home safe .
I'm super worried . God , I'm gonna spend every moment I have with Ady. Scooter must've been calling me , I hope I didn't screw it up . I'm almost home , just 2 blocks down .
I'm skateboarding but my knees are giving out.
I go to a corner store and take out the Bucks I got over my YouTube videos .
I look through the aisles looking for my favorite snack , sour patches . I pick one up and go through the freezers , and grab Pepsi for Ady  and I grab m&ms for her too. I go up to the counter and the guy is on the phone , speaking Spanish . His back is towards me and he's looking at the TV in the corner , and since I'm not Spanish I don't understand what he's saying .
"Permiso?" I know Spanish but I have a funny accent to it .
He hangs up on the phone and turns around.
"Alright man , you ready to pay ?" He said still staring at the TV.
"Si." I wanna learn Spanish .
He nods his head and faces me .
"You !" He says with his jaw dropping to the floor . I laugh , guess this guy recognize me too .
"Your Justin Bieber !" I chuckled.
"What's up shawty?" I clap him up.
"My daughter is a huge fan." I blush . Gotta love fan girls .
"Yo man , take It for free on the house." My mouth drooled to not having to pay for sour patches .
"No sir . I can pay its no problem . I want to be treated like a regular person."  He shook his head and pushed it towards the end of the counter .
"Take it! The only thing I ask is for a autograph." He said I nodded and smiled.
He handed me a lottery ticket , and turned it around and handed me a sharpie .
I signed it and handed it to him .
"Thank you Justin. Come by anytime!"
"Thank you sir!!" I yell leaving the store .
I shove everything in my hoodie and ride my way home with a huge smile on my face . Now all I need now is my best friend Ady to make this day complete.

As Long As You Promise Me ( JUSTIN BIEBER FANFIC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant