New school

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Hi my name is Sarah. I'm 16 years old. This year I'm going to be a sophomore. This will be my first year in a public school, before this I have always gone to an all girls boarding school. I have always been pretty shy, maybe a little geeky, so I never had a lot of really good friends. I mostly keep to myself, most of the time I feel like no one understands me. I read a lot, I like to write.

When my parents told me, "when school starts back up, you will go to a public school." I asked "why, have I done something wrong?" They told me that I they were making me move schools because they think I'm too shy, and I need to be more social, have more friends, and get out more. I stormed up to my room, but it didn't feel like my room, it was so much different from my room at school. School ha it feels more like home that here. The night my parents told me I would be going to a public school I didn't sleep much. I kept tossing and turning and just couldn't get my brain to shut up and shut down. The next morning I wrote about everything that had been going through my mind the night before in my journal like I do every morning when I wake up.

A month late, school started up, my nerves where on high alert, I had so many butterflies in my stomach, I thought I was going to get sick. My mom drove me to school, dropped my off at the front doors, and said "Okay Sarah here we are, have a great day, make some friends, and I love you, ill pick you up after school." I walk though the big double doors, hoping I would see someone I knew, sadly I didn't see anyone that I knew.  This school was so much different than my old one, the one I miss so much right now. This one has boys and girls in it, all packed together at their lockers, or pressed against each other sucking faces. I miss my school where you didn't see that, it was only girls there. I really wish I was back there right now.

I reach in my pocket and pull out my class schedule and head to 1st hour. Math, how fun, it is way to early in the morning to do any math. I walk though the crowded halls with my head down,  my schedule in my hand, looking for the right door, I finally find it, I have to push my way to the door. Once I get in, I head to the front of the class going over to the teacher, my paper said his name was Mr. D. I shyly spoke up as I approached his desk and said "hi, Mr. D my name is Sarah, I'm the new kid." Mr. D looked up from his laptop, that he had previously been typing on and look at me and said "why hello Sarah, class starts in about one minute if you would please stand by the front of class, while the other kids get seated, that you be great." I didn't say anything I just went and stood by the front of class like he had asked me to do, and about one minute later the bell rang and about 20 kids walked past me, into their seats. As soon as everyone was seated, Mr. D said "hello everyone, this is Sarah, she is new, so everyone be nice. Sarah you can sit next to Dustin, Dustin please rise your hand." I though I heard Mr. D wrong, then I realized he DID say Dustin, it could be the same one I'm thinking of. This Dustin couldn't be the same one as my mom's best's son. I had known him my entire life, I do have a little crush on him, but he will never know that, and I will never say it out loud. I look up a little through my long lashes, to see the boy with his hand in the air, I didn't see his face yet though. As I get to my new seat, next to a boy of all people, why couldn't Mr. D put me next to a girl, like seriously. I sit in my seat and Dustin leans over and says "Hey Sarah, you look really sexy, I don't know how long I will be able to keep my hands off of you." As soon as I heard his voice I knew it was him, and his voice sent a shiver though my body, and I blushed a little, because he was the only guy that has ever talked to me like that. I didn't think too much about him calling me "sexy" or saying he might not be able to keep his hands off on me, we had known each other long enough, that I knew he didn't mean it, he was just messing around. He just said it so I knew it was him, because I still hadn't looked up yet. I felt like everyone was looking at me, I felt uncomfortable, but knowing Dustin was there helped, so I finally looked up, but not at Mr. D who had started talking already, I looked at Dustin. I found him smiling at me, his smile was so warming. I think he saw my little blush, which made him smile even more. From the time I walked into this place I felt uncomfortable, like I was an alien on a new planet, but his smile was so much part of my old summers when I would come home, and we would hang out all the time, and I smiled. I wonder what the future holds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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