The Beginning

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It's the first day of my freshmen year and I can't wait until I meet all of the new people. I hope this year I will meet the guy of my dreams. I try to let go of the idea of finding him but I can't help it. I've never really had anyone in my life that wants to have me around. But this is a new start for myself. 

Oh well first day of high school here I come...

*First hour bell rings* CRAP I'm going to be late! I run until i get to my first hour, I find my seat and sit down. The teacher looks at his clip board and drones off student's names.






I jump a little at the sound of my name, "I'm here." I say softly.


There's no reply and the teacher starts to scribble something down on the attendance sheet. Suddenly a boy rushes into the classroom with a thud from the door. He's breathing heavily and apologizes to the teacher.

"I'm so sorry sir! I got kinda turned around and I think I saw a dog eating some guys homework and...."

The teacher holds up a hand to silence the boy and asks in a monotone voice


The youth seems to focus and grins like a boy caught with his hand in a cookie jar. He brushes his hair back from his face in an embarrassed sort of way and states.

"The name's Jack, sir."

The teacher nods and gestures vaguely to the seat next to mine, inviting him to join his class.

The boy ducks his head apologetically and sits down. I turn and study him as he takes out a notebook and a pencil. He catches me staring and grins. I look away quickly as my heart pounds. He's so cute! His dark black hair frames his face just so perfectly, not too long and not super short, and his vivid green eyes seem to glow. He looks of like he could play piano with his long slender fingers and seems almost elegant with generous his height and lean limbs. He almost seems cat-like with a grin that says he's up to no good.

I snap out of my dreamy state as the teacher starts calling out names. Some kids start to walk up to the front of the room. I look around in confusion. I hear a cough from my right and I look to find the handsome boy. He looks at me and cups his hand on the side of his mouth. He mouths something but I don't quite catch it. I look at him confused. He widens his eyes and seems to laugh at me. He whispers, "We are going up to the front of the class to be assigned partners for a lab."

I look at the boy again and smile gratefully. 'Thanks.' I mouth to him. He just grins in response.

So I guess school won't be as scary as I first expected. 

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