The Dream

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He hugs her and softly tells her of the one who holds his heart. She hugs him and tells him of her devotion, tells him not to leave. He gently nudges her out of the hug and starts to turn away to go to his beloved. He stops suddenly and drops to the ground with a short scream of pain. She looks down at him with tears in her eyes and slowly smiles. His vibrant green eyes start to dull as his life drains out of him. She laughs and separates his body peice-by-peice with the knife she used to stab him in the back. After gazing longingly at him, she picks up his head in her hands and kisses him deeply. Sighing in content with lips smudged with blood, she stares into his cold lifeless eyes and says,

"Now, you will never leave me. You will always be with me. My love, my heart, my soul, only you can complete me. I will never let anybody take you from me."

Bella sits upright in her bed, heart beating fast and drenched in a cold sweat. "Why does my brain do this to me?" She cries out desperately to the darkness in her room. She doesn't understand why she has these kinds of dreams. She tried to get help from her mom and dad, but they only looked at her in horror when she described the sorts of nightmares she's had about them. After that her parents had her go to a therapist and had her take every pill under the sun. Eventually she stopped trying to get help from them and just pretended that she was normal again, but she never stopped having these nightmares of loved ones dying by her hands.

This one was different, the boy in the dream was somebody she didn't know. As she tried to picture the boy's face clearly, it faded. She eventually slipped into a dreamless sleep and the nightmare ceased to roll around in her head. When she wakes up she will have no memory of the dream... or of the boy.

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