Until I Die

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 I knock on the door to Jack's house. I'm so nervous. It's the first time I've ever been invited to a friend's house. I start to sweat.

The door swings opens and a very beautiful woman opens the door. She is a tall woman with smile lines on her face. Her blue eyes stand out from the black bangs across her face and she smiles kindly.

"Are you here for Jack?" She asks.

"U-um y-y-yes ma'am." I studder. 

She gestures for me to follow her inside. I step into the house and look around. 

There's a loud bang from above me followed by loud shouting.

"What was that?" I ask Jack's mom.

"Oh it's just Jack, he's such a clumsy boy." She chuckles warmly.

I join her contagious laughter and start to relax. So far so good, nothing bad has happened so I think I'll be ok.

"Just go up those stairs and the third door on the right is Jack's room. I'll just get some snacks for you guys, so go on up ahead of me." She says with a small smile on her lips.

"Ok thank you Mrs..."

"Oh! Just call me Lynda honey! Oh, I didn't catch your name?"

"My name's Bella. I'll be on my way up then"

"Good luck" She says with a sly smile.

What does she mean by that? I start up the stairs hesitantly. I get to the right door and knock lightly.

I hear I loud thump and a curse. The door flies open and Jack stands there with just a towel around his waist.

I stare at him in disbelief and his face goes from irritated to tomato red. The door slams shut and I hear a loud high-pitched sound of embarrassment. After a minute I hear some shuffling behind the door as Jack pulls some clothes on.

What the fudge muffins just happened??!! My mind screams at me. I feel my whole face start to burn.

"I'm so so so so so sorry bella! I didn't know you were here I thought it was my mom knocking. Please forgive me and please forget that just happened!" He shouts from inside his room. "I just got out of the shower which you would've known of my mom wasn't such a troublemaker!" He yells that last part extra loud so his mom hears it.

I hear evil laughter come from down stairs from his meddling mom. I have to bite my lips to keep from laughing hysterically.

He opens the door again with a beer red face. His clothes are rumpled and his hair is a complete mess. I finally lose it and start to laugh uncontrollably.

His embarrassment starts to fade into laughter with me.

I realize that I really like Jack. He makes me laugh like I've never laughed before and I don't want to stop. For now I want to stay close to him as a good friend. I don't want to lose these beautiful emotions I get when I'm around him.

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