Spanish Romance Chapter 1

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Scylar Academy, a prestigious school where only those from filthy rich families and excellent social standing attend. A very unusual school with very unusual students. Aside from the money, Scylar Academy has another requirement, only vampires allowed. That's where the problem starts. My name is Cairo Sohma. I'm 15 years old, 5ft. 6in., shoulder-length dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes and bronze skin. I know what you're thinking, beautiful, right? What could possibly be the problem? Well, you see, the thing is, I'm human. And I'm not exactly rich either. I got in on a scholarship. If my classmates ever found out either one, I'd be served up for dinner. So now I have to balance my school work, my job and keep my humanity a secret. What could possibly go wrong?

"Geez, Cai, you're such a wimp!" exclaimed my best friend, Nala Young. "I am not. I'm just not stupid enough to go sneaking off to the boys' dorms, especially this late at night!" Let me clue you in. Nala and I were in our dorm room when she suddenly got the idea to go visit her boyfriend, Alec Rie. I of course, flat out refused to go with her. I never liked to leave the dorms after dark, vampires' favorite time to roam about the school grounds. "Oh come on, Cairo! I'm sure your Seth would love to see you," taunted Nala. My face heated up slightly. Yeah, I had a crush on Seth Rie, the hot shot on campus and Alec's younger brother. "Sure he would, Nala," I responded, hoping she didn't notice my red cheeks. "Of course he would. How many times do I have to tell you? Seth likes you! And you like him, too," Nala teased. I sighed, "How would you know that?" "Because Alec told me. He says Seth's totally head over heels for you. We've been trying to get you two together ever since he broke up with that witch, Vidia," Nala explained. I only wish. Even if Seth had a thing for me, we're too different. He's a stinking rich vampire, and I'm a middle-class human. Not only is his social status above mine, he's also a notch above on the food chain. "Just go on without me, Nala. You're a big girl now. You don't need me to hold your hand. Besides, he's your boyfriend not mine and I have to get up early tomorrow anyway," I lied. "Fine, but you're missing out," she replied in her singsong voice. I watched as Nala flounced towards the boys' dormitories, being greeted by her fellow vampires. It was a shame I couldn't tell Nala the true reason I couldn't go with her. Only the headmaster knew I was human. In fact it was his idea to transfer me to this school.

The headmaster was a pacifist and wanted humans and vampires to be able to coexist peacefully, so he concocted this little scheme as a test to see if the younger generation of vampires could handle going to public schools. As a precaution for any unfortunate humans stupid enough to wander around after dark, he made strict rules regarding drinking blood on campus. Also, the entire staff were vampire hunters, retired or in action. Sucks when your teachers are hired to kill you, huh? These teachers are really scary. They hate our guts, well, the vampires' guts. They just think I'm one, too. Things just keep getting better and better for me don't they? Oh, well. I'll just have to grin and bear it. I've got another day of torture tomorrow. Who knows maybe I'll get lucky and get run over by a bus.

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