Spanish Romance Chapter 4

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Episode Four

Cairo's POV

"Cairo, the headmaster is the king of vampires and my father." I stood there as his words sunk in. Then the reality of it all came crashing down on me. The headmaster was actually the king of vampires and Seth's father, meaning he's prince. Seth was a prince. So that's why all the vampire chicks at this school want him and Alec. Wait, Alec? Alec was Seth's brother so that makes him a prince too. Oh My God! I know royalty! Again, it's strange how I'm more affected by something else rather than the fact that I should be afraid. Seriously, what is wrong with me?! What I still couldn't get is why he told me in the first place or what it has to do with me. I looked at him. His expression was stern, older, wiser. Like someone bred to be a leader. "Um, why are you telling me this?" His grey eyes shifted around nervously, like he didn't expect the question. He probably still thought I'd freak out and run away. "Doesn't any of this bother you at all?" I just grinned and replied, "Not really. I've pretty much learned to expect anything, but I wasn't counting on being acquainted with royalty." Seth searched my face, trying to find something hidden, fear or deception. He found none and said, "You are the strangest human I have ever met." He backed me up against the tree again. I thought his bloodlust had returned, but instead he kissed me. The moment our lips met, a tingling sensation ran through my entire body, like I was waiting for this my entire life. The kiss was so heated and passionate, yet soft and gentle; I couldn't help but kiss back. My arms wrapped themselves around his neck as my fingers entangled themselves in his dirty blonde hair. He let his hands rest at my hips and I felt his tongue run along my bottom lip. I blushed a little, but let him in. His tongue darted in and I could taste the coppery flavor of blood. Once he had memorized every crevice of my mouth, he massaged my tongue with his and I let out a soft moan muffled by the kiss. Even so, Seth still heard it with his acute vampire senses and smiled into the kiss. We pulled apart, breathing heavily. He looked at me apologetically and breathed, "Sorry, looks like I've lost my self-control completely today." "I've told you before I don't mind." He took a minute to think, and then looked straight at my eyes. I was so mesmerized by them. They held so many emotions at once, hope, joy, nervousness, fear and... love? "Cairo, will you be my girlfriend?" I was torn from my little world by his words. Me? The prince of vampires wants me, a poor little human girl, to be his girlfriend? I was too shocked to answer and Seth must have taken it the wrong way. Just as he started to back off, I pulled down on the collar of his shirt and brought his lips down to mine in a chaste kiss. When I released him, he smirked and said, "I'll take that as a yes."

I laid down on my bed thinking about today's events. After Seth asked me to be his girlfriend, he walked me back to my dorm. I still couldn't believe Seth Rie, a vampire prince wanted me. Of all the girls in the school, he chose the human commoner. Why did he want me? Aren't royals supposed to be with other people of high status? My thoughts were interrupted by a lovesick Nala skipping through the door. Her date must have gone well. She collapsed on her bed with a content sigh. "So how was your date Nala?" I knew it was better to ask now or she'd bother me with it all day tomorrow. "It was perfect! You'll never believe what happened." "What?" "Alec proposed to me!" I stared at her in disbelief. "No way! Seriously? But you guys are just seventeen!" "I know, I know! But he said we'll wait until after we graduate. I can't believe I'm going to become Mrs. Nala Maria Tatiana Rie! Oh, Cai, I want you to be my maid of honor." "Really? You want me to be your maid of honor?" "Of course, silly! You're my best friend. Why wouldn't I pick you?" "Okay sure." "Thank you so much, Cai!" "Do you have a ring?" Nala squealed in delight and stuck out her left hand. On her ring finger was the most beautiful and most extravagant engagement ring I have ever seen. It must have cost a fortune! I guess this is what you should expect when dating a prince. Nala continued to rant about her upcoming wedding that probably wouldn't even be announced for a few months. I was happy for her and all, but that girl can sure talk. Eventually, Nala got tired of planning and went off to her private bathroom to get ready for bed. I followed suit and put on a black lace nightgown that was a few inches above my knees. I went to bed, but couldn't find comfort in the peaceful nothingness that was sleep. As I laid in bed hours after Nala had fallen asleep, the window opened slightly. I got up to close it, thinking it was just the wind, but when I turned around to try to head back to sleep, Seth was laying on my bed. I nearly jumped out of my skin and whispered harshly, "Seth! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here?!" He shrugged and responded, "I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to come be with you. Nice clothes by the way." I blushed crimson red and grabbed a robe to cover myself up. Seth got up took the robe out of my grasp. "No, like it better this way." I blushed even darker if that was even possible. He led towards my bed and had me lay down with him. I snuggled up to him and put my head on his bare chest. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Seth was shirtless. Not that I was complaining. Being with him didn't feel strange or awkward. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I felt safe and warm. Even when he drank my blood, I felt like there was no safer place in the world for me. I barely knew the guy and I already felt like I couldn't live without him. Lady Love must have it in for me.

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