Spanish Romance Chapter 3

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Episode 3

Cairo's POV

The day went by quickly, only dragged out by Nala's constant pestering. I was on my way back to my dorm alone. Nala went straight to the boy's dorms today. Something about a date with Alec, typical. I hurried along as the sun began to set. I didn't want to be caught outside after dark. Unfortunately, me being me, tripped over a fallen tree branch. I felt something wet on my face and I put my hand up to my face. I looked down to see the deep crimson of blood on my fingers. Shit this is bad. The sky began to darken as the last rays of sunlight peeked over the forest of trees. Just great, could things get any worse? A twig snapped behind me and I immediately became petrified. Note to self, never take the short cut through the small woods alone. You think I would have learned that from all those horror movies I love to watch. "Cairo? What are you doing out here?" Relief washed over me as I recognized the voice. I stood and turned to face Seth with an embarrassed face, but kept my head down. "Well, I was on my way back to my room when I tripped that's all," I chuckled nervously. "Oh, are you alright?" he questioned, his eyes holding true concern. "Y-yeah just fine," I stammered, since his face was only a few inches away from mine. A slight breeze came by and I made the mistake of looking up. He stiffened as his grey eyes slowly turned a bright, glowing red. Oh, crap. He knew I was human and now I was going to get sucked dry by the guy I was unrequitedly in love with. Yeah, I admit it. I'm in love with a vampire, but can you blame me? You could fry bacon on him. Trust me; Edward Cullen's got nothing on him. Isn't it strange how I'm thinking about his hot body instead of being afraid of a bloodthirsty vampire?

He backed me up against a tree and pinned my arms down to my sides. He leaned in close, as if to kiss me but instead softly placed his lips to my fresh bleeding cut. I felt his warm, wet tongue trace the small scratch as he lapped up the tiny trickle of blood coming from it. My heart was pounding a mile a minute but I wasn't scared. For some reason, letting Seth drink my blood felt right, like it was supposed to happen. I stood still and waited for him to finish, that is, if he was satisfied with just that small amount of blood and didn't crave more from a different spot. The bleeding stopped and Seth finally came to his senses and pulled away ashamed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I couldn't control myself," he rambled, regretting what he'd done.

Seth's POV

The wind picked up slightly and I caught the delicious scent of human blood. My instincts took over and I pinned Cairo up against a tree. I licked her small cut, the source of the delectable smell. The taste of her blood was beyond anything I has ever tasted. Of course I knew the blood of your bonded mate is the drink of the gods compared to any random mortal's blood, I just didn't expect it to be this intoxicating. After I had milked her small flesh wound for all its worth, realization of what I had just done sunk in. I had taken her blood. Even if it was only a small amount that she wouldn't even get dizzy from blood loss, I still took her blood. Cairo would know I was a vampire. She would be afraid of me. I didn't want that. I didn't want her to see me as a monster. I pulled away hastily and started trying to apologize, knowing it would do me little good. I looked down at the ground, my head hung in shame. I heard slight footsteps and felt a delicate hand lift my face up to meet a pair of chocolate brown eyes that I loved to stare into whenever I had the chance. To say I was surprised was an understatement. She didn't scream or run away. Her heartbeat was going wild, but she wasn't afraid.

Cairo's POV

I took a hesitant step forward, then another until I was met with his chest; he had quite a few inches on me. I cupped his face and made him look at me. His face was bewildered. I guess he expected me to go off the deep end or something. I probably would have if I hadn't already known about vampires. "It's alright. You didn't mean to hurt me and you were just following your instincts. That's nothing to be ashamed of. It's in your nature." Seth was clearly in shock. "Aren't you scared of me? Don't you think I'm a monster?" "No and no. Like I said, it's your nature and besides, I already knew about vampires, so this doesn't come as great a shock as it should be." "You know about vampires?" he asked incredulously. "Yeah, I've known since I was transferred here. The headmaster told me himself. Apparently, I'm some sort of guinea pig to see if vampires are able to walk freely among humans." He stared at you in disbelief. "The headmaster?" he choked out. "Yes, why? Is there something wrong?" His voice took on a serious tone, "Cairo, the headmaster is the king of vampires and my father."

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