Chapter 10

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(Elisabeth Pov)

"How are we going to get Sandra back?" I ask.

"We'll find a way babe, we're going to get her back." Niall tells me.

"It's all my fault that she's missing... I should of warned her, I should of told her what was happening. Now they have her because of me." I say as the tears in my eyes are now coming down harder and turning into sobs.

"Elisabeth, it's not your fault, it's those idiots faults we're going to go kill them we need to just plan out how." Mr.Styles said trying to calm me down.

"But we don't know where there are, I'm going to turn myself over... I'll be the bait. It's me that he wants." I suggested, but Niall disagrees.

"No you will no use yourself as bait, I will not loose you no fucking way." Niall spat.

"Niall she's right, if she use herself as bait and lower them down to us we would have a clear shot of killing them." Louis states.

"I will use myself as bait too, they just don't want one they want both of us." Niall replies.

New Message:

Unknown: I guess we have to kill your little friend, that's already tied up to a chair with a knife to her throat. Will you like a picture.

 Will you like a picture

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Unknown: See 🔪 D.E.A.D... You have an hour to find her and trade yourselves in.

"Oh one of them just message me." I say, showing everyone the message.

"Oh gosh we need to think of something to write. Ask them where is the location of the place, so you guys can meet them." Harry suggested.


Me: Where are you guys at, Niall and I will turn ourselves over, please just keep Sandra alive.

Unknown: For me to know and you too find out.

Me: Is this shadow guy?

Unknown: Nope not at all.

Unknown has signed out.

"Shit shit! They signed out." I shouted, basically started sobbing again.

"The shadows didn't tell you where the place was?" Niall ask.

"No.. All it said was for me too know and you too find out. Then I ask if it was the shadow guy he said no it wasn't, I thought it was him because he always say for me to know and you to find out." I explained. Oh my god what if it's more then one, what if they're all there and they are torturing Sandra.

"Shit how the hell we're suppose to find them in an hour if we don't have a location for them." Niall says in his angry tone of voice.

'Wow this is my first time seeing my baby pissed like this, but he look hot as hell when he's mad. His cheeks is all red and he's running his hands through his hair.' Ok Becca stop it.. There's no time to think about how hot my boyfriend looks when he's mad rn. I need to find a way to save my best friend.'

"Niall did shadow girl ever talk about a place that she always wanted to go to?" I ask, my voice being shaky in all.

"Yes, she always talked about going to paris." Niall tells me.

"So, who wants to take a trip to Paris.?" Mr.Styles ask, already got the flight tickets in his hands.

"Wait, you already had the tickets ready?" I ask, with a shock look on my face.

"Yeah, Lou and I booked them while we were at your flat yesterday." Mr.Styles replies.

"Ok, we need to go like now." I say and mean it.

"Sure, let's get going grab your stuff." Louis tells us.

"Mr.Tomlinson, thank you for helping as well... Mr.Styles is lucky to have you as a boyfriend, you're awesome." I say with a smile from him.

"Thanks Elisabeth, you can call me Louis." Louis replies, grabbing his bags.

We head out of Mr.Styles flat, back into his car and drive to the airport. The airport is not that far along, the rest of the students will meet us there. I can't believe I'm going to Paris, but it's not to have fun it's just a distraction to get to the shadows.

New message:

Unknown: You're wasting time, you have exactly 24 hours to find us or your friend is dead. She already has blood running through her legs.

Me: But you said an hour.

Unknown: I decided to give you a little time to get here.

Me: Where?

Unknown: For me to know, and you too find out.

Unknown has logged off.


Sorry guys cliffhanger.

So how was it?

I hope you guys enjoy it.

Please: read, vote, and comment.

Sorry the chapter is so short it's just the next chapter will be longer.

Let me know if you see any mistakes.

(Real persons)


Love you guys.

Your so lovely.

Thank you.


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