chapter 7

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We were walking along Broadway getting closer to Union Square 14th street where for me everything began. I slow down a bit to let them boys know where we were heading and I told them about that day. It felt so long ago but in reality, it was only a week ago. One week and everything changed for me for the guys and for everything maybe all over the world. One week, I wonder if this is happening all over. I mean they can't really be taken down unless you hit or shoot them in the head and after getting bitten I've seen what it can do. After telling everyone that was with me to be careful and follow my lead.

We were near the Empire State building when we hear something. It wasn't growling or ticker; it was more of a small whimper or a cry. We stop to make sure the noise wasn't nearby, but it was. They showed themselves to us. It was two teenagers, they were fraternal twins. They look scared but ready for a fight. I put my hands up and started to speak to them. "Hey no take it easy, we're not here to hurt you we are just passing thought," I said to them. They still look ready to run and to fight. I took out my talkie and told Sally what was going on. She replies by telling me to send them to her. "Hey look we got a safe place we are calling The School now. Trust me we have food and clean clothes" I said to them. They look at each other and the girl spoke up first. "How can we trust you," she asks me. But before that, I check them for any wounds and that were substance and any bite marks. Then I told them you can't but I give them a walkie-talkie and told them to go to W 77th St and you will see it. They look at each other and the girl took the talkie and she and her brother began their walk. It was barely 7:15 a.m. and we helped two more people.

Watching them walk away, we continue on our way to REI. We were now 4th Ave. We went through Union Square and we didn't encounter anything besides the twins. It was weird really, maybe I was overthinking it. Then heard that clicking sound. I stop dead in my track. I looked around and saw that there were four of them. I hope they were any more but I was wrong, I hear the growls next. There were more than twenty all over. Shit! I looked behind us and saw that we weren't completely surrounded. I did a hand movement that let the boys know to follow me. We slowly made our way out of what I'm going to call a black zone or as Jimmy would put it as a nest. I needed to remember where this was so I can mark it with a box and shade it in. back to Union Square and got back on Broadway to get to REI. I am so glad that I know my way around the city so well.

We finally made it to REI but we did run into some more growlers but no tickers. We finally made it to the damn sports store and began to clear up. It was a long but we did it to be safe and to make sure it was safe to explore. After checking the store we got to work. I went to the animals section and got a dog bag for Jade and started to fill it and put it on her. After that, we looked for clothes, shoes, you know the works. After filling shopping cards we tied them together for from a train of carts. The first two had close and shoes, we just grab whatever ranging from kids to adults and the same for shoes. We saw some air mattress and cots with some other sleeping things. Then we got lights in two more carts as well and some water treatment supplies and some solar and portable power supplies with other things like cookware and first aid. In total we had eight carts and what we could carry on our backs. They also had some different types of knives and bows and arrows and I grab some of those as well to learn and maybe train the other on them if they wanted to learn.

We spent the whole day there getting what we needed. I knew we were going to go back tomorrow because that place has a shit ton of things we can use and shit. Then my talkie came to life with the sound Sally's voice."Hey, Jackie the two people who sent are here safe and sound" she told me. I smile that and said ok check off. After making sure we had most of what we need we started the long way back to the school. It was almost three p.m. and we started and our journey back home. It was cold but we got used to it. We were nearing the black zone and I told them of a different way to stay clear of them because we were a bit noisy with the carts. They nodded in understanding and we made our way more west but still close to Broadway. We were now between 34th street and 35th street when we heard gun shots. We hid our things and ourselves. But when I got up to see what was happening I saw Sally's wife! She was wearing an NYPD S.W.A.T uniform running away from ten growlers. Well, I wouldn't see running away but take them on and keep space between them and herself. She is a goddamn badass and I need to learn from her. Her weapon was an M16A2 rifle. She took them all down. I stood up and yell out "You're Sally's wife she's safe and with us" and run to her. She stares at me like I was crazy. "Your little boy Johnny is with her as well and your name are well I don't know it because Sally never told me it," I said.

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