Chapter 11

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I sat in the waiting area of the hospital. Right now, I felt all alone. I looked down at my phone that I held in my hand. My background on the phone brought tears to my eyes. I looked at how Alexander was in the photo and wanted to go back. I wanted to be able to see my son and hold him in my arms again.


I looked up and saw Joe walking towards me. I got up and ran to him. He held me tightly as I cried into his chest.

“I hate you right now,” I said to him.

“I know you do but I didn't want you to end up hurt after what my ex did. That was my doing,” He explained.

I pulled away from him and he pulled me close to his side as we started to walk out the hospital.

“Sarah said she'd come and pick me us up when...” I started as we walked towards Sarah's car that was waiting by the entrance. “She came after I called her and told her what happened.”

Joe opened the car door for me to get in. I got in and moved to the other side as he got in after me. My phone began to vibrate in my hand and I looked down at it.


“Hello, Abbey. Hows Joe?” I heard Kim reply.

"What have you done with my son?"

"Right now? Right now he's with..." She started.

"You gave my son away!?!" I shouted at her.

I could sense that both Joe and Sarah were looking at me. Joe took my hand and I half smiled at him.

“I had to. The little brat was starting to annoy me...ANYWAY...can you put Joseph on?” She asked.

“No, I can't.” I said through my teeth.

“Shame, I was going to make a little agreement with him. I'd...” She began.

"How can you hurt someone that you love? If you can hurt them, you don't love them. I don't love you so I'm going to hurt you," I said. 

I heard her begin to laugh.

“You can't hurt me if you don't know where I am,” She told me. “Now, if you don't mind, I have a flight to catch.”

I took the phone away from my ear.

“Abbey, what did she say?” Joe asked me.

“She's gave him away to someone,” I said in shock.

“Abbey, She couldn't have. She's lying,” Joe said to me.

I put the window down and threw my phone out. I put the window back up and looked straight ahead. Sarah looked at me through the mirror but said nothing. The drive back home was silent.

As we drove by a street, I noticed that there was a crowd of people gathered round a house.

“Sarah, stop the car,” I said.

She pulled up at the side of the road and I got out. I ran towards the crowd and pushed my way through. I stopped as I reached the front. Police were gathered round the house waiting to enter. I heard a little boys screams come from within the house.

“I want my mummy!” I heard the little boy scream.

I knew that voice anywhere. It was my little boy. I felt a hand grasp my wrist.

“Abbey, you...” Joe started.

“Alexander's in there,” I said as I got out his grasp.

I ran towards the front door and opened it.

“Alexander?” I called as I stood in the hallway.

“Mummy!” I heard him shout.

I looked up the stairs and saw that he was standing at the top.

“Baby...” I started before I heard footsteps.

“Well well well. She finally found her son. Took you what? Not even 24 hours? I'm impressed,” Kim said as she stood in the hallway in front of me.

“Mummy!” Alexander shouted down to me.

“Shut up you little brat or I'll come back up there and deal with you again like I did before!” Kim shouted at him.

“You'll not lay another finger on my son, you bitch!” I shouted at her.

“I'd like to see you try and...” She started before I punched her in the face.

“Don't start on me,” I warned. I turned to Alexander, “Baby, hurry up. We're going back home.”

He started to walk down the stairs when I blanked out.

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