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Layla ended up leaving Emil and I alone, and she took a reluctant Sarah with her. Emil was laying on the bed next to me, holding my hand and slowly brushing my hair.

"You know, you are a very beautiful girl" he said softly. I felt my race heat up, and I could see through his eyes that color showed in my cheeks. So this is what a blush looks like.

"You're just saying that"

"No, I mean it. You are very, VERY pretty" he said. I placed my hand on his face, and felt a smile. At first it had been very disorienting to be in my body while seeing through his eyes, but over time I adjusted. Now we just lay by each other on his bed, talking.

I grabbed a lock or my hair and asked, "What color is this?"

"That would be called white...ish. But since it's hair, it would be called blonde"

"Ok...what color are my eyes?"

"They're green"

We sat like that for hours, just talking. He explained colors to me, and spent a lot of time telling me how beautiful I am. Then something dawned on me, and I sat bolt upright.

"What do YOU look like?" I asked.

He picked me up, and started carrying me out of his room. I kicked my legs in protest, and laughed.

"What are you doing? Where are we going?" I demanded.

"We are going to find a mirror"

I just sat in his arms quiet, waiting. We turned around a corner, and there against the wall was a full length window. wasn't a window. It showed a picture of me in the arms of perhaps the most handsome man I have ever seen. Actually, the only man I have ever seen.

Unlike his sister, Emil had dark chocolate brown hair, with piercing blue eyes. He looked straight at himself in the mirror so that I could have "eye contact" with him. My face contorted in a giant smile, and I clutched myself closer to him.

I was surprised at first by how normal his touch felt. I always thought your mate would touch you with sparks, and it would feel like magic. That wasn't the case. It just felt so completely normal; but then I realized that that was exactly how it was supposed to be. It was like we knew each other so well and so completely, that his touch was first nature to me. I didn't feel sparks because they had been there all along. He was the reason I had been born. He was my eyes, and I was his..well, I don't know what I am to him.

That thought got stuck in my head, and my smile faltered. I let go of Emil's shirt, and I sighed.

"What is it?"

"It just... I feel so useless. Think about it; I am probably the worst mate ever. I'm weak, I can't see, and I am completely dependent on you. It makes it worse that you're an alpha. In a single day you have given me the thing I wanted most in my life: sight. I wanted nothing more than to understand what colors are, and what light is. You gave me that. And what did I give you in return? A burden" I felt my throat start to close up, and tears started brimming in my useless eyes.

He slowly set me down, and then he wiped tears off my cheeks.

"Is that what you honestly think? That you're...a burden? Evelyn. You are anything but a burden. I have never understood what it is like to care about someone. Sure, I love my family, but I don't feel the need to watch our for them. I have this immense need to care and protect you. It overwhelms me, and engulfs my very being. For the first time ever, I care about something other than myself"

I stood there for a moment, dumbfounded.

"Are you admitting that you used to be a self centered prick?"

He sighed, "Is that really all you got out of that speech? Evelyn. I love you. You are not a burden"

I just nodded silently, taking in what he said.

"The moon goddess works in mysterious ways" I whispered. Emil chuckled,and just patted my head. I smiled, leaning into his muscular frame. I took a deep breath, appreciating how he smelled.

He smelled Not the artificial mint that they put in gum though, like real mint. It smelled herbal and fresh. He also had a hint of vanilla.... I breathed deep and smiled.

"Thank you so much for not rejecting me..." I sighed.

"No wolf in their right mind would reject you"

I smiled, basking in his warmth.

I heard footsteps, and saw as Emil turned to look at his sister. She was holding a phone, and staring at Emil's protective hold over me.

"Man, you sure got whipped fast" Layla said. Emil just scoffed and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Do you need something, or did you just come to stare?"

She held out the phone, "It's Evie's mother, she wants to talk to her"

Emil took his hands off of me to grab the phone. I immediately fell to the floor. I felt as if a huge hole had been ripped through my head. Mere moments later I felt Emil's hands caressing my face. I grabbed his hands, feeling an urgent need to be connected with him.

"It's okay, baby, I got you. I'm not going anywhere" he cooed.

"What's going on? Evelyn?" Said a distant voice that I recognized to be my mother. Layla knelt down by me, and handed me the phone.


"Oh honey, what's wrong? You two aren't fighting, are you?"

"No, mom I'm great. I...I can see"


"I found my mate, and...well...I can see"

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