New Life

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I ran my fingers through my long, straight hair. My parents had found a friendly pack, and were currently negotiating our entry into their pack. For the meantime, I was to attend school. I have never been to school before. I was homeschooled because my family was always on the move. I was so nervous. I knew people would stare, and I was afraid of what they would think.

I was already daydreaming about how it would go down.

What are you looking at? they would laugh

What are you? Blind or something?

"Yes...", I quietly mumbled to myself.

"Did you say something, dear?", I heard my mom say. I shuffled my feet to the door of my bedroom, and grabbed her shoulder.

"No, nothing. Can we go now? I think I should get there early so..well you know.. so I can find someone to help me get to class"

"You know, there is nothing to worry about. The alpha has assured me that his daughter will show you where everything is. I have even met her, she is a very nice girl. I think you will like her......she's spunky. Just like you!"

"Oh my god, mom. Never use that word again. Especially in front of other teenagers. It's bad enough that I can't... see. I don't need you scaring off all of my potential friends!"

She just laughed to herself and said "Whatever you say, dear."

My mother led me downstairs where I ate my breakfast of mushy oatmeal. My biggest wish is that I wasn't blind for fifteen minutes everyday. Then I could make my own breakfast, and not overcook it like my mom.

"Mom, it's overcooked. Again. Didn't you and dad agree that he would do the cooking from now on?" I said while letting my spoon drop into the bowl. I was too nervous to eat anyway.

"Yes, well, your father is working things out with the alpha right now. You know how lengthy these things can be..."

I just sighed and nodded my head. I picked up my cane and walked myself to the door, where I waited for my mom to take me to school. It was just a short ten minute ride, and then my mother announced that we had arrived at my brand new torture: High School.

"This is it honey! Isn't this exciting? I'll walk you in to the office, that is where Lyla will meet you. She's the alpha's daughter you know. She is just such a nice girl. When I first met her..", my mom rambled on and on. Honestly it took all I had not to fall to my knees and start crying. There were eagles flying around in my stomach I was so nervous.

When I felt the cool air flow around me I could tell that we had entered the building. At least there was air conditioning, right?

My mother and I walked for a bit, surrounded by complete silence. This was either really good, or really really bad. Why? It meant that either everyone was staring at me with such shock that they were rendered speechless....or that no one was at school yet. I had my fingers crossed for the latter.

My mother stopped walking, and she patted my forearm to let me know that we had reached the office. I let my eyelids close, and I took a deep breath.

"Hello there Miss Cray. My name is Mrs. Dawson, and I will be your principle. You are very lucky to be in this school. While we are a very nice bunch of people, we also take education very seriously so we have high expec..." I let myself fade away again. I guess that is a bonus to being blind. No one can tell when you stop paying attention. I still wish I could see though, more than anything.

"...I think It will be to your liking. Ah, here comes Lyla. She has happily volunteered to be your chaparone for the day. I will leave you two to get to know eachother. If you would follow me Mrs. Cray, I have a few papers for you to sign", the principle finished.

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