Chapter 4 THE END

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That night, after your little dancing session with Russia, you really began to party. America convinced you to have one of Germany's beers, and that seemed to have a moderate effect on you. Russia saw how just one drink of beer seemed to affect you, so he offered you a drink of his own.

He brought a bottle with clear liquid in it, already half drank. He had helped himself to it before the party, to make sure that he wore his costume. You looked at the bottle, and smelled the fluid inside; it smelled exactly like his breath, and the scent on his jacket. You hadn't known that Russia drank such heavy liquor before, but it didn't seem to mind him all that much. Sure he sometimes got a little touchy, but you easily kept his hands at bay. Until you started drinking some as well.

It didn't really have much of a taste, but it burned in the back of your throat. It was a bitter burning sensation, but you somewhat enjoyed it. For every sip you would take, Russia would drink a gulp, or two on occasion. It was as if he was trying to prove that he could hold his liquor, or he really enjoyed his vodka. Despite the fact, you were starting to get a little fuzzy. Not wanting to get completely intoxicated, you told Russia you would stop drinking, and he could drink the rest. After happily accepting, he asked if you would like anything else to drink.

"No thank you, I'll be fine," you smiled rather brightly, the effects of your drink decisions taking place. Russia noted the pink dusted onto your face, and gave a warm smile in return. As he walked away, you couldn't help but watch the way his hips swung back and forth, thanks to the swaying that the bottom of his caveman costume was making. He really did have an interesting figure: tall and broad, yet so malleable and lax. Usually when tall people walk, they have an awkward stance to them; however, Russia's form seemed quite attractive. And his height wasn't the only attractive thing about him. With his long jacket off, you clearly saw the shape of his rear as he walked. It wasn't too big, but it looked firm and so... touchable.

Your eyes were glued to his fine rear view, and you didn't even realize Russia had stopped and was looking over his shoulder with a smug grin. He liked the attention he was getting from you, so he wanted to give you attention as well. However, it was going to be harder for him to do such a thing with so many people in the room. He would need to get you with him, alone. What he had in mind wasn't something he would enjoy other people watching. He wanted it to be special, and memorable.

After he found another bottle of vodka, he returned to his seat beside you, putting the cool glass of the rim to his lips and tipping the said bottle back. The clear fluid ran flowed from the clear glass into his mouth at a steady pace. He then let the bottle fall back, and swallowed what liquid was filling his mouth. He then gave a small "ah"; he always loved that first drink of new vodka.

"Do you have to return home after tonight?" Russia mysteriously asked, catching you by surprise for a bit. It certainly was a random question that you hadn't been expecting. But he was your friend, so you had to be honest with him, right?

"Yeah, America is going to take me home," you told him, a saddened smile on your face. You really didn't want to go home; so many enjoyable things had been happening lately, including meeting Russia. He seemed like such a sweet man, and a good friend as well. You would be lying if you said that, in leaving, you wouldn't miss him. You would miss his loveable smile and sweet gestures towards you. Just thinking about leaving him made your smile falter.

"And my sunflower seems to be disappointed, da?" he spoke, the tone more of a question. He could tell by looking at you that leaving didn't excite you. He didn't you to leave either, he wouldn't know if he would ever see you again; unless you went to the World Meetings with America more often, but he wanted to be able to see you more than just a few days a month. He wanted to be able to hold you close to him whenever he needed someone to talk to, or whenever he felt lonely. The bundle of sunflowers you gave him wouldn't live forever in his homeland, despite how much life radiated off of them.

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