Chapter 2

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2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.


"Naruko! Wake up its graduation day!" An ice cold bucket of water poured on a weary Naruko. Apparently she had forgotten to set her alarm clock; again. This always happens when she wakes up late. She gets a ice cold shower in the morning. Naruko lazily got up and made her way to her closet, full intent on making a bigger fool of herself today.

'Kit you know that you won't have to do this after you pass the exams right?' Kurama, the trusty Nine tails fox demon is the one and only partner of Naruko Uzumaki. They met at a young age, Naruko was dead set on having the Baka fox pay her rent for letting him live inside her stomach for free. The fox just laughed and said he liked her guts. After that they became fast friends, Naruko even managed to get the fox to overcome his own hate. The fox was always there for Naruko when she needed him. It was always like that with them. In others opinions it would be a dangerous friendship; to others it was a 'Must destroy friendship' opinion. Naruko sighed and picked out yet another orange jumpsuit, don't get her wrong, she loves the color orange; its just that wearing it everyday could get very annoying. She had a feeling she would be wearing these clothes very soon.... Very soon... Naruko shuttered, her eyes suddenly narrowed; she would need to fail the Genin test today. She suspected that Mizuki was up to something. Something she wouldn't like. It was her duty to be observant around other people. She chuckled; Today would be interesting.

*After exams- Happened then same as in the show-*

Naruko sat on the swing that was under the tree, listening to all the families encouraging those who failed and celebrating those who passed. She couldn't help be feel envious of them. She knew who her parents were and were proud to be their child; But felt sad that they left her alone in this cruel world- but then she remembered a the friendships she made with the AnBu and the grandfather figure she had. She smiled, a gentle smile. It made the Hidden Anbu in the trees blush a little. She radiated warmth and happiness. But all the suddenly turned to depression and sadness. The Anbu understood what was happening. Their Hokage had just found another traitor among the leaf village. They sighed, it truly was horrible.

*Time skip to forest*

Iruka leaped through the forest in search of his favorite blonde headed knuckle head. When he had heard from Lord-Hokage that she had stolen the scroll of sealings he'd gone to look for her right away.
After about 10 minutes of looking he saw a blob of Orange and yellow. Iruka rushed towards it fastly,
Not stopping to cheek for traps and such like a ninja should be doing; he was much more furious about his student then his own safety. He landed in front of her, a look if shock appeared on her face. Iruka then took time to examine her, (Not that way u pervs!)
She looked very dirty and had dirt on her face.
'Shes been training hard... But for what?" Iruka thought curiously.
Naruko, finally noticing his presence, -or so he thought- jumped in false surprise.
"I found you nose-bleeder!" Naruko exclaimed loudly, the forest echoed her words. Iruka grew a tick mark.
"IDIOT! I found you!" Iruka yelled madly, Naruko rubbed the back of her neck nervously, and that turned to excitement.
"I only had time to learn one justu while you were away! I thought I would have a little more time at least! But still, can I pass now?!" She was now jumping up and down from excitement. Iruka was just confused. He didn't understand what she ment.
"Naruko.. what are you talking about?" Iruka just had to ask. He really wanted to know.
"Mizuki-Sensei said if I learned a justu from the scroll from sealing then you would let me graduate!he told me where to find it and everything. Ne, ne Iruka-Sensei! You'll let me graduate right?" Iruka was just to plain confused to answer her question. He suddenly heard something whizzing through the trees, heading towards Naruko. He didn't think, he acted on pure instinct.
He pushed Naruko out of the way and took the hit. It hurt, but it was worth it, Naruko wasn't hurt.
He now looked towards Mizuki, who was standing on a tree; smirking. He now looked towards Naruko with disgust lingering in his eyes. Naruko looked back with an equal amount. To the surprise of Iruka.
She then disappeared from sight and in a yellow flash she was holding a kunai to the neck of Mizuki.
A bunch of Anbu appeared behind her as though she was their leader. One came and tended to him.
"Under the 5th Hokage Naruko Uzumaki you Mizuki are under arrest for theft of the forbidden scroll; code 0856372. Cow, take him away." And with that the person with the cow mask took Mizuki away, probably to be beaten up until he gives up information. Iruka could only watch in amazement as Naruko dismissed them like it was everyday that this happened. He could see the sweat dripping down her four head. Her eyes dropping slightly. She was panting and her legs were wobbling. Before he could getup and pick her up then Anbu with the snake mask that'd been taking care of Iruka went over to her and picked her up. He over heard their conversation and was shocked.
"M' not tired..." Naruko yawned slightly at the end. The snake masked Anbu snorted.
"Yeah right Hokage-Sama! You have barley been sleeping lately! Are you still having the nightmares? Why isn't the Kyuubi stopping them?" The now identified girl Anbu questioned seriously.
"I... I am have the nightmares Anko-nee-chan.... But I told the Kyuubi to let me have them.. I feel like I deserve to remembered everything.. I feel like I deserve everything that's happened to me back then. It feels good to remember.. I-I just don't know Anko-Nee.. just let me sleep.. please..." Naruko was crying by now, Anko just shook her head and brought Naruko up into a hug. She whispered something into Naruko's ear, Naruko then passed right out, like a light that has stopped burning on a candle. Anko turned to Iruka. "Go to the Hokage tower at 10:25 tomorrow morning.. have have some things to talk about" and with that, they were gone. Iruka sighed and thought about everything that's happened.

1.) His favorite student was the Hokage.
2.) She was acting this whole time.
3.) Somethings wrong with her.
4.) Mizuki is gone.
5,) He'd been disrespectful to the Hokage this whole time.
He needed to sleep this off.
« N A R U K O' S D R E A M »

A little blonde that was no older then 4 years old was swinging alone on the play ground. Not noticing the hateful glares she was getting. She wiggled her toes and swung faster and faster until she felt like she was flying, soaring in the air. She felt like nothing could stop her from jumping off and finally feel free! A giant giggle left her mouth before she could contain it. She knew by the looks she was getting that giggling around the villagers would never be a good idea again. The swing stopping swishing in air. The cheerful girl clutched her shirt with her chubby little hands. She never really knew why she would get all this hate.
Was it because her parents were dead?
Was it because nobody wanted to adopt her?
Was it because she had whiskers?
Was it because she might be some whores mistake?

Naruko knew she shouldn't say such words, but she couldn't help but wonder why...The Hokage wouldn't tell her.. so maybe if she became Hokage then she would have to be told why! The perfect plan!

Naruko's thinking was cut short when she felt the ground touch her face. It took her a moment to realize that she had face-planted, but also that someone had pushed her of the swing. Naruko, startled, quickly got up. Making sure not to accidentally hit the person, or even make contact with the person. She turned and tried to leave.
Keyword= tried
Naruko almost obediently turned around when she heard her name the villagers called her. It was never,
"Naruko turn around." It was always,.
"Ew, you ugly demon Bitch, turn the fuck around. If you don't turn around in about two seconds then I'm going to kill each and every person you hold dear."
It was always a threat or a string of curses towards her. The only hint she ever got about why she was hated was, 'Demon' and her favorite from the Hokage himself, 'i'm sorry for your burden' and that was all she ever knew about why she was hated. It sucked that she didn't know. Maybe if she did know she could make it right again with the villagers, and maybe even make some friends, just the thought brought a smile to her face. But that was quickly slapped off by a smirking boy, who was about in his teens. Naruko quickly cleared all emotions that were dancing across her face and put on a blank face. She knew what he was going to do. It was sick and twisted.
The boy grabbed her long shinny yellow hair and pulled her into a nearby alleyway and pinned her to the cold stoney wall. It felt like ice going down her back. The boys smirk grew even larger by seeing the fear come across the little 4 year olds fear surface.
He ripped off Naruko's clothing. Doing it fastly so Naruko didn't have the chance to stop him. Then then slowly unzipped his pants. Getting ready for his own pleasurement. Naruko looked up at his eyes. They were full of greed and cruelty, right when he was about to make a move Naruko's eyes opened wide at what he was doing. He was p-

Naruko woke up with a gasp. She clutched her rapid beating heart by taking deep breaths that were in and out. She hated these kind of dreams. Even though all these things really happen, it wasn't as bad as you would think it was. She's been thought it in many dreams, it hasn't happened every since she became Hokage of the village. Plus she always had Anbu watching her. She laughed, Naruko then turned to see a sleeping Anko laying on her couch silently. She of course was sleeping. It was made her laugh louder then before. But Naruko still hadn't woken her up. This was going to be a hell of a long ass week.

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