Chapter 5

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2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.

|Next Day|

Naruko's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, Sasukes along with hers. Sakura just cuddled up to Sasukes arm and sighed in bless. For some reason, any girl that did or touched Sasuke in anyway made Naruko... Jealous..?

She didn't really know the feeling that she felt, she didn't like it one bit though. It's been almost 3 hours past 8 and Naruko was almost ready to go to Kakashi's house and drag him here. Nothing was stopping her from doing so.

"Yo!" A puff of smoke appeared in front of them, out came Kakashi, eye smiling like he did nothing wrong. Naruko and Sakura stood up.

"YOUR LATE!" They yelled in sync, pointing at Kakashi who held a innocent look. Sasuke sweat-dropped and looked at Kakashi, wondering what he was going to say.

"Maa maa.. Well you see..." looking into the murderous eyes of the female students. Kakashi had came up with a brilliant excuse.

"Well... I was just leaving my house to meet up with my cute little students when a black cat crossed my path. And you know how you can never go around the black cat so I turned around and went the long way here from my house. Then while walking here I got lost on the road of life. When I finally found my way here I tripped over a blade of grass. Ending up with me going to the hospital and getting stiches, now I'm here." Looking at their teacher with disbelief they turned around and sighed.

Naruko swore that he's told her that before... No. She knew that Kakashi had told her that before. Snapping out of her thoughts Naruko looked up to see Kakashi holding out the bells. Naruko mentally grinned. This would be easy.

"Now, there are 2 bells, only two of you will pass and one of you will fail. If not, all of you will fail. And if you don't get a bell..." Kakashi smirked when Sasuke and Sakura's stomachs growled. "Ill eat lunch in front of you"

Sakura raised her hand. Naruko looked at her in a confused way. 'What's she going to ask? I'm positive Kakashi went over everything...' Naruko thought confusingly.

"Why are there only two bells Kakashi-sensei?" Everyone ignored her question.

"You have until noon to get these bells, Sasuke, Naruko come here quick." Naruko knew what he was going to tell them and pouted.

Sasuke looked at her from the corner of his eye. Sasuke would never admit that he thought her pout was cute nor would he tell anyone besides her that he may.. have little crush on her... No. He wouldn't lie to himself, it was more then a crush, he really did love her.

His Hokage.

It was hard to believe but he did. It wasn't in a brotherly way or a best friend way but in a relationship way, it's been like that for a year now and Sasuke was finding it harder and harder not to show his affections for her. Like, very hard. He prayed to Kami that she would return his feelings when he told her one day.

Snapping out of his thoughts when Kakashi snapped a finger in front of his face Kakashi coughed to get there attention.

"Now that I have your attention... yeah.. from now on you'll have to act like your idiot and emo selfs-"


"-And wait until the chunin exams to show your real selfs." He eye smiled at his students, knowing that he had upset them greatly.

"Kakashi, what the hell are you talking about? I gave you a right to order me for a reason, not a reason for..... making me seem weak..." Naruko's voice had gotten to a dangerous level, Kakashi knew that he had pissed her off while stepping over the line they had made. Sasuke was glaring at Kakashi for calling him emo. Also because he said he had to pretend to hate Naruko, he didn't really like doing that...

"N-now now Naruko... M-my orders are to be f-followed remember..?" Kakashi cursed himself for shuttering, he was scared of her though. Naruko gained that serious look in her eyes, showing that she had gone into Hokage-mode.

"Oh? Right now I'm your Hokage Kakashi-san, did you forget that? You really think that I would follow all your orders? I'm not Hokage for nothing Kakashi-san. Do you really want me to fight you right now? Because I will..." Kakashi shook his head rapidly, not really wanting to fight the Hokage. Naruko smiled an overly sweet smile at him.

"Good, now that you've learned your place jounin, ill do half of what you just said, as will Sasuke. We won't show our full powers and personalities. Yet. During the 3rd round of the chunin exams we will show everyone our true strength.. I don't think everyone's ready to know their Hokage is the Demon brat. But if worst comes to worst ill have to tell them. Deal?" Kakashi agreed instantly, he knew this was the only choice he'd get. Sasuke just stayed silent, knowing it was was for the best. He couldn't say that he wasn't pissed though. Hiding his true powers and pretending to be emo again? Mentally groaning Sasuke went to hide in the bushes, already knowing what his stuck-up self would do in this kind of test, he also knew that Naruko had already taken care of the conversation.

|After bell test (you all know what happens blah)|

"What?" Kakashi eye smiled.

"You pass." A stunned silence filled the training ground. Naruko and Sakura cheered while Sasuke smirked. Of course Naruko and Sasuke were faking it. Kakashi finally got annoyed by their cheering and silenced them.

"Follow me." Sasuke undid Naruko's ropes so she could follow Kakashi also. They trailed after him until he stopped at a stone slab. Naruko and Sasuke insistently knew what this was, since they both had loved ones on it. Sakura also knew what it was after looking at it for about a minute.

Kakashi crouched down and traced one single name.

Obito Uchiha

Naruko knew of his past and felt bad for him. But Naruko knew he didn't want sympathy from anyone. Putting her head down she mourned the dead.

"My best friend is on this stone, along with my other teammate and sensei." He paused, "Those who brake the rules are trash but those who abandon a comrade are worse then trash, their scum. Never forget that."

Naruko, having heard this many times before, knew to never abandon a comrade, it was in her blood not to. Kakashi stood up and clasps his hands together.

"Blah blah blah, meet here tomorrow for our first mission blah blah blah blah, same time as today. Alright? Okay!" And with that he was gone. Leaving his students to think on what he said.

|A few weeks later...|

"Old man I demand a C rank mission! I'm sick of these baby missions, they aren't teaching us ANYTHING!" Making an X with her arms, clone Naruko complained. Just as the real one wanted her to. Sasuke jabbed his thumb at Naruko.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with the dobe." Clone Naruko huffed and turned around, tuning out Iruka who was yelling something about 'Disrespecting' the Hokage. The real Naruko then silenced Iruka.

"If Kakashi-san thinks that your ready to have a C rank then you can have a simple escort and guard mission." The secret Hokage said, silently agreeing with her clone. Kakashi nodded.

"Alright, send him in." Naruko ordered. The chunins nodded and opened the giant door. An old looking man with grey hair came in through the door.

"These runts are supposed to protect me?"

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