It's probably not a new my fyi

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     After eating I tried to walk the legs were surprisingly easy to get used to, I mastered them in about an hour of so.  The butler led me up a small spiral staircase at the top was a small lounge area. He sat me down and gave  me some  MLG Dorito's and Mnt. dew. Then he handed me a few brochure's. They were each about five or six pages each and their were about four of them. One of them was on the Illuminati, another on bear's then the last two were on Russia namely Siberia.

He spoke as I glanced through them deciding just to look at the pictures first. The Illuminati one had a lot of triangles and other random imagery. The other one just had bears, The last two were travel guides of Russia. Then the butler spoke "This is what describes our organization theses brochure's tell who we are, what we stand for, and what were trying  to stop." I read through all of the brochure's i'll spare you the details (they were'nt the most exciting reads) It more or less told me what had happened. The world was more or less over a group calling themself's the mafia had taken controll of all missile silos and had launched nuclear missles around the world dystroying it all in the process. They had achived there goal through genetically modified bears. These bear's had been implanted with genes that made them quite intelligent allowing them to avoid detection in stelth situations, on top of this they were made to be completly subservient to their new master the mafia. thoose who now consider themselfs the king of the new world.

The Butler spoke to me in a hushed tone "We are the illuminati we have saved your life and given you a new leg's will you help us to save the world from the Mafia?" his face was dark and grim he seemed to think this questions had great implications as to what would happen in the future I of course had no idea that it did, but I would soon find out the reason they saved me it was not a simple one it was thought out very well by thoose who were in charge, a question of vitail importance to this organzation and what it stood for. But i'm getting ahead of myself becouse this is a cliffhanger.

russian maffia bears and stuffWhere stories live. Discover now