Before Thee " I Love You"

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Story Description:

Every one has desires, requests, wishes, and wants. But lets not forget everyone has secrets, skeletons in their closet which tend to come out at thee wrong times. Siennaa Jade; a 17 year old high school junior had everything ! Money, popularity, beauty, a body any girl would kill for, and Tyler Gray; the boy that every girl wanted ! Life seemed perfect for Sienna until her boyfriend told her the 3 words every girl wants to here from the hottest senior in school; "I Love You". Things changed when she didn't say the heartfelt words back, no one understood why ! Everyone except for one person, Tyler's best friend Lexii. Sienna's deepest wish was to feel the same love that Tyler felt for her, but no matter how much she tried her deepest desire was Lexii.

Chapter 1- Before The "I Love You"

Sienna's POV

" I know this is wrong, but you're beautiful," said Lexii looking deeply into my eyes stroking my hair as we lay under a shaded tree.

I blushed " Thanks, but did you have to mention the fact that seeing each other is wrong?"

"It is wrong!" she yelled, as she shifted her body as if she didn't want me lying on her anymore. "I'm not gonna sugar coat things. This is wrong, but its what I feel and I've never been the type to keep my feelings for anyone bottled up inside".

" You say 'this is wrong' every time we sneak away " she shifted her body again. I sat up facing her, "I know its wrong!" I yelled. I didn't mean to lose my temper but she always brings up the fact that liking each other is wrong, not because we're two females but because I'm dating her best friend and he shows signs that he's in love with me

" Did you even listen to what you just said!? " making her voice louder and much more forceful than mine. " That boy is crazy about you! And here I am on a date with his girl friend; I'm supposed to be his best friend! His very best friend! 'Every time we sneak away' that whole sentence is wrong. This whole thing we have going on is wrong." She bows her head and lets out a deep sigh " we can't do this anymore" she said as she stood up, not even looking me in the eye or even just glancing at my face. The words hit me like a smack in the face.

"We should have never started this." she continued, "so let's just get up go our separate ways and forget this thing ever happened." I sat there begging my inner self NOT TO CRY, "DONT SHOW THIS GIRL THAT YOU'RE WEAK" my mind and heart screamed to me.

"You're right" and as those words left my lips, her whole facial expression changed; she looked disappointed, as if she expected me to beg her to stay and work things out. I took a deep breath and continued, " Tyler is crazy about me, but he's never even told me that he loves me, we've been dating for two years and the words never left his lips. Not that I want them to, I'm not even sure if I love Tyler. But love him or not I'm not going to beg you to stay, we both know I'm not gay. So let's just call it an experiment, besides there weren't any real feelings developing here right?"


Those words killed me! I wanted her to tell me that there were feelings there! That I wasn't the only one feeling them! She was lying! I had to get her to admit her feelings for me! I just had to!

It was time for me to play a little game . . .

" Exactly! So part ways with one last kiss and forget this ever happened" I shot her a seductive look and smiled

She smiled too as if she was longing to say it herself but didn't have the courage to. She leaned in and slowly analyzed my lips. Then gently pressed hers to mine, she started off slow and gentle but soon changed her pace when her hands slowly traced my body, she seductively made her way up my shirt and started exploring every aspect of my upper body. She gently pulled my hair as I let her tongue enter my mouth, and we both got lost in a trance. I gasped for air and looked into her eyes. I didn't want to stop and I can tell she didn't either, she leaned in for her lips to have one last meeting with mine; my deepest desire was to give it to her but I wanted to leave her wanting more. So I kissed her cheek and walked away slowly, making sure not to look back.

Let Thee Games Begin. . .


Sienna's Picture Is On The Right >>>

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