Chapter 1

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Lexxi's POV

I got home and immediately ran up the stairs to my bedroom and closed the door. I didn't even bother to check my mom's room and see if she's home, she's never home probably shopping she only works at night so her job consists of shopping during the day.

I kicked off my shoes and started pacing around my room thinking. How can she just kiss me so passionately and just walk away like that?! She walked away as if it was nothing, like it was just natural to kiss someone so passionately that they want to rip your clothes off and just leave?! I don't understand, I really don't. Wait, why am I even thinking about this?! "Because you're falling for Sienna Dummy" my brain screamed "No, I'm Not" OH GREAT ! A mental arguement with my self! Ughh, the things that girl does to me. BUT That's Tyler's girlfriend, I'm supposed to be his best friend. We've been best friends since we were in diapers! I remember when I first met Tyler, I was six and he was seven we were in the same kindergarten class, we had to make a snowman out of cotton balls and he was my partner he had to get the glue and i had to get the cotton balls. This mean kid named Damien Black put glue on my chair as I walked away, and I guess Tyler saw when he did it, and as I was about to sit down he pushed me out of the way and sat in the chair and said  

"I want this chair, blue is my favorite color".  

I smiled as I saw the glue dripping off the chair and onto the floor and managed to speak through my smile  

"Blue is my favorite color too".  

He smiled and put the stuff on the table and got to work and all I remember was wrapping my arms around him and whispering  


He looked up smiled and didnt say a word. Later on during recess he took Damien to a corner of the playground beat him up, and stole his cookies.  

He sat next to me and said " Want one?" and started stuffing his face.  

I smiled and ate a cookie. And every day after that Tyler and I ate together. We were always together, wherever you saw Tyler you saw me, we were together more than Bonnie & Clyde !  

I sighed and plopped down on my bed, replaying today's events. I can't believe she said she didn't have any feelings for me! None whatsoever! NONE!

"Why do you care?" I thought to myself. But the truth is I can't really answer that question!

"Maybe you love her, ever thought of that" Love her?

Do I love her, I asked myself. I can't love her! It would be totally wrong! But it feels so right! I just can't love her, Tyler loves her! Doesn't he? But she did say that he has never said the words to her. THAT'S IT! If I want to get over Sienna I need Tyler to tell her that he loves her! So she can be truely happy. As much as it kills me I need Tyler to say "I Love You Sienna Jade".

I jumped up threw on my black chanel boots (I lived for fashion, I was your typical fashion-slave. I mean I was gay and loved girls, but loved clothes just as much) I grabbed my keys and ran downstairs. I got in my car and started the route to Tyler's house. It was time to pay my best friend a visit. . .

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Tyler and I were so close I had my own key to his house, and he had a key to mine. So we could just walk in whenever we wated, whenever he would walk in my house he would say "Mom, I'm Home" he always called my mom 'mom' and I called his 'Ma'. I was just hoping that Tyler was home, he had a habit of never being home. I pulled up in front of his house and saw his car in the drive way. "YES!" I screamed out, when I said Tyler was never home! I meant never, he only comes home to shower and sleep and sometimes he sleeps at my house, so it's mainly to just shower. As I was getting out of my car I noticed a silver porsche parked in front of Tylers grey BMW. I've seen that car before but my mind wasn't clear enough to think of where. I started walking to the front door, I used my key and made me way in. I walked in and saw a blue balenciaga purse on the couch; I knew it was Balenciaga because I was on their website just this moring ordering my mom's birthday present. I ran upstairs and noticed Tyler's door was closed, I opened the door " Tyler, you need to tell Sienna that you----"

Oh my gosh. I couldn't believe what I'm seeing, there was Tyler and Amber Raine making out. him just in his boxers and her bra halfway off. He looked up and saw me, he looked at me with guilty eyes. I stared at him in disgust "and here I was feeling guil----" I stopped myself, and walked out. As I turned I heard him scream my name "Lexii!" I ignored him. "Lexii, wait up. please". He grabbed my arm and I turned around and with all the force I had in my body slapped the guilt out of his eyes. He held his face, and I turned around walking out the door. 

Once I got in my car I slammed my fist on the steering wheel, "dammn" I screamed to myself. Then my phone vibrated and I saw Sienna's name and picture show up.

"Do I Tell Her?" I asked myself

I answered clearing my throat "Um, hello"

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UGHH ! So I had no idea how to end this chapter! every ending I came up with SUCKED ! So I just gave up! what do you think? Do you think she'll tell Sienna? What about Tyler & Lexii ! They are like brother and sister the way they met was TOO cute ! sharing cookies :)

Any suggestions for the next chapter? 


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