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Salum P.O.V

Me :mrs?kenapa harus sama zayn mrs?LITTLE THINGS lagi...plis deh mrs,saya sanggup bawain lagu itu sendiri

Teacher :kalian gak lagi fall in love kan?

Me+Zayn :ihhh,mrs apaan si?ya gak lah

Teacher :oh tidak ya?kok kalian kompak sekali?

Me+Zayn :ya gak sengaja kan mrs

Zayn natap mata aku sambil melotot dan aku balas dengan tatapan mematikan ku.aku seperti memberi tatapan 'jangan.ikuti.aku'

Teacher :woah be careful salza

Me :SALZA?jangan bilang itu nama shipper?

Teacher :saya rasa begitu.zayn?kamu tidak bermasalah kan?

Zayn :gak apa-apa mrs,eh salum,jangan sok jual mahal deh!!mau dapet nilai kan?gausah ngebrontak.Umh,niall aku pinjem gitar nya ya?

Niall :ya,pakai saja..BE CAREFUL zayn,you fall in love with him!!!

Zayn :hizzhh apaan si?kan dia cuma temen aku doang yell,gak lebih.heh?ngapain masih duduk di situ?ayo maju

1 kelas :CIYE ZAYN!!! Pritpriw *suara siulan,sumpah deh gue gak tau nulis bunyinya kaya apa*

Me :ssshh berisik kalian *kasi tatapan tajam* heh res liatinnya biasa aja dong,gausah sambil senyum-senyum kea orgill

Rey :apa?aku tidak berbicara sejak tadi.cuma kalian lucu saja,makannya aku senyum

Me :huh kalian menyebalkan.*berdiri maju ke depan.duduk samping zayn*

Zayn :ready mrs

Teacher :okay.start!!!

Little things


*mulai memetik alunan gitar dan bernyanyi*

Your hand  fist in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this this in mind
It was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
and it all makes sense to me

I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes
When you smille
You never loved
Your stomach or your thighs,
The diples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly

I won't these little things slip
Out of my mouth
But if I do,
It's you
Oh,it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things

You can't go to bad without a cup of tea
And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations are the screts that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me

I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want
To know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me

I won't these little things slip
Out of my mouth
But if I True,
It's you
Oh,it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things

You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you
And you'll never treat yourself right,darlin',but I want you to
If I let know
I'm here for you,
Maybe you'll love yourself LIKE I LOVE YOU
And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth
'Cause it's you,
Oh,it's you
It's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you
And all these little things

YOU BELONG WITH ME 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang