The Bragging Rights part two

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Before we start...
If you have a fucking problem with how I write my stories keep it to your fucking self. Don't start an argument with me telling me to kill my self because I called the first Harry Potter book "The Sorcerer's Stone". News Flash: In America the book is called The Sorcerer's Stone. If you have a problem with it don't take it out on me take it out on the book company that deiced to call the books two different names!

"Yeah I kinda accidentally dropped it... In horse maneuver," Nico said not looking you in the eyes once. You could hear Percy snickering in the background.

Obviously when you met J.K Rowling, you asked her to sign two copies instead of one. When she asked why you replied "Just in case my one friend ruins my book. He's a huge fan and would get extremely jealous if he found out I had a signed copy." Of course you were referring to Percy.

Percy continued to snicker knowing you had more then one copy. You never straight out told him but he knew you were smart enough to get another copy. Also, you've dropped many hints about it trying to make him jealous.

"Percy guess what?"
"What (y/n)
"I have two of something you don't!"
"Ohhh... What's that?"
"I ain't telling!"

When you showed him the first signed copy, he could only assume the "two great things" you had was another copy.

Nico stood there as you and Percy had a silent conversation.

"You should totally fake your anger. That'd be funny."
"Heh yeah... NO! That's mean."

You ended up doing that anyway. You know, for some revenge.

"Nico I'm so pissed at you! Do you know how rare a signed copy of Sorcerer's Stone is?! Super fucking rare!" Nico contained to look at his shoes. Wow a piece of dirt on his shoes, how interesting...

"I'm sorry (y/n) how can I make it up to you?" Nico looked up at you. You could be angrier then Hades sometimes, he's surprised he hasn't been murderer yet. Percy smirked winking at you.

''(Y/n), are you gonna fake your anger?'
'Ha ha ha yeah Percy. Just for some revenge!'

Nico watched as  you two continued to have the silent conversation. What the hell were you two talking about?! He could only assume you two were talking about how he would die a painful death.

"Well Nico..."


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